
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:23:09
Despite the appeal and interest in seeking a connection between social and environmental responsive 英语:_____is that?that's Tom's mother.A.what B.whose C.who Social situations don't bother you in the slightest.翻译 What is your favourite season?同义句 Tom is thin and short.改学句子,句意不变. show great interest in 翻译 A few of the boys like going fishing in their free time.(变为同义句)( )of the boys like going fishing in their( ) time. 生物的无性生殖 调查报告动物对人类的作用调查目标:调查目的:提纲:结果: he has made the company what it is today .上面这道题为什么填what 不应该填whatever吗?whatever从句都却成分,而what 不能在主从句都做成分的啊 文言文小时了了大未必佳的翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译初中文言文扩展阅读中第84篇《小时了了》选自《世说新语·言语》 He is going to home and read the new books. He _____ _____ _____ and read the new books.是改为同义句 Then,I'm going to go home and read the new books.谁能帮我翻译下这几句话? i'm going to go home and read the new books中间为什么要加and He is going to read books 一般疑问句 初二生物上学期每课的总结谁有? Could you tell me 后面句子的语序 哪句是正确的?Could you tell me ___?A、how can I see Miss GaoB、what is wrong with your watchC、which bicycle do you like bestD、how many people are there in your family我知道A B是错的,但是C D分不清 密室逃脱,谁有线索. 安城密室逃脱中钟摆的方向跟猫的眼睛转向相反 金钥匙的取法,我试了好多次都没有提示 请不要复制别人的答案来肤浅我谢谢```! l'm,books,going,read,to.【连词成句】 to read many good books is useful同义句 books,some,every,read,l,weekend连词成句 连词成句.1.Nancy the going tomorrow in books read is to library?2.I'm film the to see evening to a cinema this going.3.doctor Bob a going is see afternoon this to? 英语翻译孔文举年十岁,随父到洛.时李元礼有盛名,为司隶校尉.诣门者皆隽才清称,及中表亲戚,乃通.文举至门,谓吏曰:“我是李府君亲.”既通,前坐.元礼问曰:“君与仆有何亲?”对曰:“昔 小时了了 文言文孔文举年十岁,随父到洛.时李元礼有盛名,为司隶校尉.诣门者,皆俊才清称及中表亲戚乃通.文举至门,谓吏曰:“我是李府君亲.”既通,前坐.元礼问曰:“君与仆有何亲?”对曰 《小时了了》文言文 有关问题解释字词诣 :既:奇:语:翻译句子:诣门者,皆俊才清称及中表亲戚乃通 《泊秦淮》怎么背 下面这篇古文的题目?王濬冲为尚书令,著公服,乘轺车,经黄公酒垆下过.顾谓后车客:“吾昔与嵇叔夜、阮嗣宗共酣饮于此垆.竹林之游,亦预其末.自嵇生夭、阮公亡以来.变为时所羁绁.今日视此 求下列古文题目!杨朱之弟曰布,衣素衣而出.天雨,解素衣,衣缁衣而返.其狗不知,迎而吠之.杨布怒,将扑之.杨朱曰:“子无扑矣,子亦犹是也.向者使汝狗白而往黑而来,岂能无怪哉?” 1.解释杨布 请问下面这些关于古文的一些题目解释下列小括号里的词1.弗听,许晋使   (许)2.蛇固无足     (固)3.为蛇足者,终亡其酒(亡)4.子安能为之足   (安)请翻译下列句子蛇固