
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:19:52
如图,已知AB=AC,BD、CE分别是∠ABC=∠ACB的平分线,AM⊥BD于M,AN⊥CE于N.证明:△AMN是等腰三角形 知AB=AC,BD、CE分别是角B、角C的平分线,AM垂直于BD与点M,AN垂直于CE于点N,求证三角形AMN是等腰三角形快 It was urgent that she leave at once.为什么用leave,这个句子对吗? 用耗子造句 .耗,子.如题 She made the demand that the journalists _____ at once ______ Iraq. A. leave; for B. leave; to C. left; to D. to be left; for would she make it through the operation .make是什么意思 谢谢 马上相逢无纸笔的下一句,凭君传语报平安这两句的妙处在哪里? 我考考你梅花魂中的魂指什么 交流220v到使用端为什么变成230v 比较唐代诗人张籍《秋思》与岑参《逢入京使》的异同:秋思 逢入京使 (唐)张籍 (唐)岑参洛阳城里见秋风,故园东望路漫漫,欲作家书意万重.双袖龙钟眼不干.复恐匆匆说不尽,马上相逢 最美的英文歌是哪首 左顾右盼造句 用东张西望.左顾右盼和登高跳远造句要15分钟内答出答不出不加分要用在一段话上 《逢入京使》有同学在赏析“马上相逢无纸笔”这一句时理解为“立刻就会相见了,用不着写信了.”有同学在赏析这首诗时,将第三句理解为“立刻就会相见了,用不着再写信了”.(1)你觉得 最美的英文单词有哪些? 最美的70个英文单词是哪70个? f(x)=Inx,g(x)=sinx,则f[g(x)]= 已知f'(x)=Inx,求[f(sinx)]' 下列结构中与小肠吸收功能无关的是A.小肠内壁上的皱?和小肠绒毛B.小肠内的肠腺,能分泌多种消化液C.酶催化作用对象有严格的选择D.酶的催化作用受温度 PH影响 一些很简单的英文单选题!1.Mary and Jane are twin sisters .They look exactly _____.A.height B.length C.size D.breadth 2.Twenty miles _____ a long way to cover .A.have been B.is C.are D.were 3.I am sorry ,but what you said is of the _____impo 小肠的下列结构中,与其吸收功能无关的是( )a.小肠内有许多肠腺b.小肠长5——6米c.小肠内表面有许多环形皱襞d.皱襞表面有许多绒毛凸起 f(x)=sinx+∫ (0到派)f(x)dx 求f(x) 会计中的这句英文是什么意思啊completed and transferred out 《终南望余雪》这首古诗什么意思? 终南望余雪这首诗描写什么的诗这是一首描写( )的诗,写的是诗人在( )季的( )时分.在( )望( )所看到的景色. 终南望余雪中“浮”字妙用为什么生动?回好的能提高悬赏!!! 2道英语单选题Do you have anything to say for yourselves?Yes ,there is one point ------ we must insist on A why B where C how D /为什么选D 不选BWhen can I use your computer?Never!----- should you touch it A in no time A at no time C at any 英语单选题2道1、the policeman was woundedin____leg,but he caught the thief by ___armA.his,the B.the,his C,the,the D.his,his2.when i got there,the bell rang___the end of the speech.A.announced B.announce C.to announce D.announcing最好能有 英语问题2道单选题1,I don't mind her criticizing me,but__is how she does it that i object to.A.it B.that C.this D.which2,--Outch!You hurt me!--Sorry!But I___any harm.I___to drive a rat out.A.didn't mean;tried B.don't mean;am trying C.haven't m 问2道英语单选题 等差数列中,am=an,an=am,求通项公式?am=an,an=am,n是右下角的。 你是我最美的回忆的英语单词