
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 12:52:15
关于oral presentation的设计(急!好的再追加分)topic是如何创造一个successful marriage 想在演讲之前增加一个环节引出话题,但没想到合适的方式 希望各位给点意见,能切合topic,并能吸引大家的注意 英文表达:为什么英国女孩不喜欢别人打听她的年龄? pity的翻译 翻译:她对受害者充满同情 she fill victims with pity 这样翻译可以吗 Pity cui 翻译 四级阅读文章翻译 While still in its early stages, welfare reform has already been judged a great suFor advocates (代言人)for the poor, that's an indication much more needs to be done. "More people are getting jobs, but it's not making thei 英语老师要我做一个oral presentation!关于任何方面的都可以!要大概7分钟,有没什么话题,英语的,急 英语连词成句:mother a my fire cooked on john ,don 't be afraid of makeing when you learn makingyou should look up the right ____ (pronounce)of this word in the dictionaryplease ask and answer the questions in ___ (pair)why not ___(ask) our teacher to help us?it 's a good habit ___(run) in Primitive men came to enjoy food___cooked on the fire.A that B they had C had been D which had 但是D为什么不对.D可不可以理解成定语从句中which做主语的成分. 请教英语高手帮我写一下presentation关于my hometown济南的尽量长一些,从旅游,吃,玩入手,另有50加分 求助英语高手帮忙做presentation关于coffee shop的,从哪个方面入手,如何写,请帮我写一下.被我选中,另有100分加分.这是一个small business report的presentation,从各方面阐述一下。 I exercise every day同意句I exercise every dayI —— ——every day It looked as if he had understood this question.的语法为什么是It looked as if ,而不是It is looked as if I am sure I will() () well with my new classmates. there are many trees on each/every side of the lake说明选择原因 He exercise a lot every day改错 A___ he is healithy,he exercise every day. 尿蛋白3+吃什么药能降下来,最好是那种副作用小的 B,C两点顺次把线段AD分成3:4:2三部分,M是AD的中点,N是CD的中点.若MN=6cm时,求AB,AD,BN的长若AD=12cm时,求AB,MN,MC的长 写40个带有天气的成语 be simple and optismistic 怎样翻译 aa英语问题I don't like him lending my money .此处按我的理解应该用borrowing ,怎么会用lending何种用法,请详解 bank lending与bank loans有什么区别? BORROWING的意思 凶残的近义词 近义词:凶猛对什么? hear 后面是否的动词 需要加ing?例句为I could hear you talk to your classmates 后面的talk 是否需要加ing? 汉武帝的母亲叫什么 如图,在半径为2的圆O中,点Q为优弧MN的中点,圆心角角MON=60°,在弧NQ上有一动点P,且点P到弦MN的距离为x.(1)试求阴影部分面积y与x的函数关系式,并写出自变量x的取值范围.(2)试分析比较阴影部 如图,∠O=48°PA∥OM,PB∥ON PH⊥PB 求∠的度数 如图3-2-13所示,在半径是2的圆O中,点Q为优弧MN的中点,圆心角∠MON=60都,在QN上有一动点P,且点P到弦的距离为x.1.求弦MN的长2.试求阴影部分面积与x的函数解析式,并写出自变量x的取值范围