
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:07:39
虚拟语气、一道题A hadn't you been upset B would have got sholarship C should get scholarship D had got scholarship you () if you had had higher score in the examination 虚拟语气的一道题___ you___further problems with your printer,contact your dealer for advice.should,have,请问为什么不是If,had呢? real中文名怎么说 初一以上英语句子 指出九一八事变国民党不抵抗政策的实质和危害 求那个能把汉字变成甲骨文的网站我记得我之前去过,不过忘记了 谁能看懂这句英文能能看大S尾部下面的这些英文字吗?能把大S下面的英文写下来吗 英文谁能看懂 帮我取英文名,跟永谦发音相近就行,实在不行有点相似也行! 您好,十分感谢您回答了我的问题.我的名字胜谦,若着重谦的发音应该用哪个英文名好呢?、感谢! 下雨了,鱼儿会对蜻蜓说什么 中文名程谦,女生 求起英文名,最好读音和哪个字大致相同. Acute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorms long before people___.A、do B、hear C、do them D、hearing it 北为什么两只老虎打架,非要拼个你死我活绝不罢休?A厂.寒冷到了极致时,太阳就要光临. 两只老虎打架为什么斗得你死我活? Choosing a life-long partner can be one of the most challenging communication task for many people.翻译一下句子 两只老虎打架,为什么一定要斗到你死我活? please try your best to improve yourself什吗意识 Our pen pals are all over the ______(世界). 逝者如斯夫是谁说的 The most interesting books are not necessarily ___ with a lot of pictures.A.these B.the onesC.them D.that My uncle has m( ) books on his bookcase. 精彩的瞬间怎么写 NATIONAL ARCHIVES怎么样 我们一直要求该部门密切与你方联系、沟通,希望尽快有结果 英语翻译 I hope you can be suitably 是什么意思 I’d appreciate it if you didn’t wear them in class.请问这里的it可以换为that引导宾语从句吗? ------will the new school be finished?In two years.A.how long B.how soon 并说明理由 -What____your school will be like?-In two years.A you think B do you think C in five years D do you like 有两只二极管,一只二极管电压为6V,另一只为9V.(1)用它们能组成几种稳压值?各多少?(2) 画出组合后的电路?发图 回答! 打破年龄看、辈分差异的好朋友( )之交 请问如何将5V的直流提升到6V的直流电压