
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 21:21:50
To answer correctly is more important than to finish quickly.不是说前后一样的成分可以省略吗?那怎样的才可以省略呢?比如:I like to sing and to read.read前面的to可以省略吗?不都是两个动作吗?为什么那 To answer correctly is more important than------- quicklya.finishb.to finishc.finishingd.to be finished选什么 英语翻译完整的句子是:This is useful for irrigation,but the high temperatures,low humidity,and different day lengths of the dry season,compared to the normal growing season,can present difficulties with some crops. hottest,it,was,the,day,yesterday,week,in,this Ann is good at b___.She often goes to the sports c___. long的反义词是什么?(英语) a rose by any other name下句是什么 英语“long”的反义词 英语翻译RT long的反义词是什么英语? What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.谁能帮我想想这个句子的延伸意急 long的反义词英语 That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet这句话的中文意思 long英语的反义词是什么英语? what's in a name? That which we call a rose by any ather name would smell as sweet.这里的That我觉的没有什么意义,是多余的.对不对.我觉得可以删除,只是一个语气强调词..? be relaxed about 给我几个例句吧. be annoyed at sth.还是about sth. "She' ll go to the toilet often.So she puts this in her bag. She carries her son in the bag in the _____ of her body. she is puting her pen in her bag. I have a purple shirt and a pink skirt. middle和high还有ground然后purple最后brown和pink的中文意思 a purple blouse with pink polka quickly answer 和answer quickly有区别吗?两个都可以用 但是有区别吗 Tom has a headache.(改为同义句)Tom——————his head. he can[ride a bike]提问 I will listen to this song when i think of you 什么意识 “When I fall in love with you,I know this is a mistake!急 写出下面词语的中文意思:brown ,gray ,purple ,pink ,dark blue ,light green They is more bule pink purple's flowers. 绞丝旁加一个馁的右半部分 读什么 再造个词.3Q 急 一个绞丝旁,一个师傅的傅右半部分是个什么字?组什么词