
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 10:44:36
What kind of fruit? 未来的西部将发展成什么样子的 什么情况啊 艺术的“艺”的繁体字怎么写,是多少画 Have you got some newspapers with you?(英译中) 英译中;1,I have some exciting news to tell you.2,But it will take us a few days to get there by b 三国演义中几次提到杨修,是哪些事件(要现代文简介)每件事简介字数不要太多,50左右就行,急用,要事件全一点,最好不是语文课文中的 《三国演义》上说杨修是因鸡肋事件被曹操处死.但《三国志》上说杨修是因参与立嗣之争自杀.哪种更可信? 真的能预知自己的未来吗?迷茫的我 谁能预知自己的未来? 《风筝》中对“我”的描写 最近对博弈论感兴趣,求推荐一些有关博弈论入门的书籍.最好是有趣的、贴近生活的. 翻译when your eyes close,i die across,cross ,through,along,between,over的用法和区分在做题的时候应该注意些什么? The moon's surface gravity is only about ______as strong as the earth's surface gravitya、one-six b、 one-sixth c、 six-one d、 one-sixst The gravity on mars is only about three-eighths of that on The gravity on mars is only about three-eighths of that on earth 和 I think two thirds of tne materials I listened to at the beginning of the exam are easy.句一的 three-eighths 有连接 1.It is said the gravity on Mars is only about ( ) of the gravity on earth.A.three-eighths B.third-eighth C.three-eightsD.third-eight lt's said that the gravity on Mars is only about 读 风筝 第三自然段和第四自然段,哪些语句写出了小弟弟对风筝的喜爱?用了什么描写方法? 风筝 文中通过哪些描写方法塑造了我这个人物形象? It's in Your Eyes 歌词 英语翻译整句话是这样的,我的名字的第二个字是我妈妈的姓氏,所以只有我名字的最后一个字代表我自己 英语翻译麻烦各位英语高手`````` 《格列佛游记》中的第四卷《慧马国游记》第12章中结尾的一段文字中“这种动物”和“这种罪恶”指什么?我可不想这么早死在老班手上! 此句正确吗?I want to walk people from all over the world是不是省略了that的定语从句talk with 打错打错 As _________(志愿者),I want to show our folk customs to the people from all over the world. What letter is a kind of vegetable?谜语 What kind of vegetable还是What kind of vegetables do you like?(vegetable蔬菜,是可数名词) a kind of vegetable 中vegetable 需要加s 英语翻译我在等着呢 小乌龟能吃熟肉吗?RT 小乌龟吃熟肉吗?该怎样喂?如果不吃东西怎么办?