
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:25:19
氢氧化硅到底怎么分类 是酸是碱百度百科是这样写的氢氧化硅 又名原硅酸,正硅酸Si(OH)4 又写成H4SiO4然后里面还说 在空气中不稳定会失水形成偏硅酸H2SiO3我想问 Si(OH)4 H4SiO4 H2SiO3 三个到 地质专家请进,“页岩”的英文名是什么? 各位地质专家:想问的是,有”泥质页岩“这一说法? “友谊”方面的英文作文 介绍他,描述他对自己学习和生活帮助 谈谈对友谊的感受 急 I enjoy I_____on the ground to look at the stars in the sky. i u.to go outside every night to look at the stars 问u.填什么? 翻译成英文:文化处项目助理的分机是多少 英语翻译TOM的分机号 是多少? Are these glasses yours?同义句 Are these yours rulers?(同义句) 已知摩尔质量 求实际摩尔质量M g.mol-求一个原子的实际质量 已知相对分子质量怎样求摩尔质量? 已知一个分子质量,怎样求摩尔质量? 已知铜的摩尔质量 密度求1mol铜体积一个铜分子体积一个铜分子直径 英文翻译问题:I don’t think they even know what exactly their relationship entailed该如何翻译 MONICA:Money is so impersonal.Cookies says someone really cares...Alright,we're broke,but cookies do say that.PHOEBE:I can see that.A plate of brownies once told me a limerick.CHANDLER:Phoebs,let me ask you something,were,were these,uh,funny brownies No answer is an answer的意思 hold on,hold onto,hold to有什么区别呢? continue ; hold on to ; go on的用法,和它们的区别 ..急用! 音乐之都维也纳的资料 打电话,要转入如21的分机,怎么打比如打55555555-21 这个电话,怎么打打55555555一直是盲音 打电话转到分机时 怎么用英语说阿?比如说,我打电话,接线员接电话,我想说:请转5188应该怎么说?要正式点的说法 read an answer读小故事,zip:I want some popcorn!zoom:me,too!zip:do you konw how to make it?zoom:sure!wait for me.I will go and make some.zip:I like popcorn.it tastes good.(after some minutes)where is he?I am hungry.is he stillmaking popcorn?zip:he I wait an 欢迎致电本公司请拨分机号查号请拨0英语翻译 I mean with a health club you might think they would trouble attracting customers right?怎么翻译 Nanswer is an answer告诉我什么意思.3q I do not know if they would achieve in order to have the oath It is no answer to say 是什么意思 There is no answer的同义句是什么 BEST OF YOU Foo Fighters 哪国人 求the best of me中文歌词和作者the best of me中文歌词还有有谁知道bryan adams的the best of me 和ronan keating的the best of me 是不是一样的?