
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 15:10:29
l am sorry,madam,the doctor is o__.填什么 作文the history of potato chips 《世说新语》两则,陈太丘与友期行,“撒盐空中”和“柳絮因风起”哪个更好?为什么? I like the movie that ---relaxing A.is B.are C.was D.be 《世说新语》的解释 在那找世说新语的解释?快 世说新语《言语》三的解释拜求! 个人自传范文,给个参考... What time do you get up in the morning?翻译 个人自传的范文 内容包括对过往学习生活经历,对过去的感悟,对未来的展望,及理想中的公司进行描绘等不是入党的那种哟...就是一般的自传...给个范文就好了..其他自己修改. I agree with what you said.(改为一般疑问句) Potato chips were invented by a chef called Jim.变定于从句Potato chips wereinvented by a chef____ ____ ____ ____ Jim. 世说新语的解释 Have you feed the dog and cleaned your room?(请问这句英语是什么意思?) The potato chips are below the candy对below the candy 提问 为什么the potato chips are above the candy要加are,而put the potato chips above the candy不用加are I'm going to Beijing for holiday.Wish you a good _j____.What's the _f___ way to travel?I'm going to Beijing for holiday.Wish you a good _j____.What's the _f___ way to travel?It's by plane.The room is too _c____,I can't get in.Our English teacher is v 我喜欢他,翻译成英语是i like him 还是i liked him 关于一些俗世奇人的故事.不要初二上的课文《俗世奇人》,我们班要开市级公开课,找找身边的有民间技艺的老人们问问...有什么故事关于这个的.. 天上掉下俩大神的简介 王维的田园乐(其六)1.这首诗是诗人在什么北背景下写的?2.家童指什么?3.在哪表现出这个乐字?4"柳绿更带朝烟''这个"更''是什么含义? —I'm sorry; I shouldn't have been so rude to you. —You ___ something not very nice to me,but tha—I'm sorry; I shouldn't have been so rude to you.\x05—You ___ something not very nice to me,but that's OK.\x05A.have said \x05B.had said 写景的表现手法有哪些? _You shouldn't have been so rude to her._I actually regret _____ her.1.to hurt2.to be hurting3.hurting4.to have hurt 写景都有什么表现手法? 田园乐其六田园乐(其六) 唐·王维 桃红复含宿雨,柳绿更带朝烟.花落家童未扫,莺啼山客犹眠.这首诗的前两句写出了景物 、 的特点(两个特点啊)结合诗的三四句具体说说作者的田园乐乐 铁臂阿童木的英文歌曲名字是什么 阿童木的英文名怎么读?阿童木的英文名"astroboy"怎么读?麻烦大家给我一个真正的答案,可以的话给我音标或者土音都可以。 大战阿童木翻译成英文是什么? The travel agency offered her a hotel ____ 120 yuan every day .A for B to C with D at.老师说应是D呢,说是at a price of.价钱的前面接at.可网上都说是A.到底哪个对啊,为什么? The travel agency offered her a hotel ____ 120 yuan every dayprivate?provided?PS private从未在课本中出现过,provide为本科单词.不好意思啊发错了……That is the man’s p___own car是原题。 Chinese people still remember those exciting days _____ they spent during Beijing2008Olympic GamesA.that B.who C.when D.whom