
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:56:25
The shop____ at 8 a.m. every day.( ) A.is open B.is opened C.opens D.opened 请告知理由,谢 The shop________ at eight o'clock every day.A.is open B.is opened C.opens D.opened请问选什么,为什么? The shop (opens) at 8:00 am and it (is open) for ten hours every day后面一空为什么不用被动语态?每天被开放十个小时啊 he goes to work by bus every day.(改为同义句)he_ _ _ _work every day.the shop opens at 7:45a.m.and clases at 8:00p.m.(改为同义句)the shop _ _ _7:45a.m.to 8:00p.m.mr wu often chats with us between meals.(对划线部分提问)划线 shop (opens) at 8:00 am and it (is opened) for ten hours every day.The shop____ at 8:00 am and it ___ for ten hours every day.A.opens; is openedB.is opened;openswhy?A.opens; is open 两个互质的自然数最小公倍数是? The shop () from 10pm to 8am.A.is closed.B.Is closing.C.closing.D.closes应该选哪个 这个The shop is closed from one till two 二、判断题(共 15 道试题,共 30 分.) 1.砖基础为满足刚性角的限制,其台阶的允许宽高之比应为 1 :1. The shop__opens_from__9_a.m._to_10__p.m.(对划线部分提问)对划线部分 from 9 a.m.to 10 p.m.提问 The shop opens from( 9a.m.to10p.m.)对划线部分提问___ ___ ___the shop ___? 改错:1.The shop opens from 9:00 a.m.to 10:00p.m.2.I'd like drink some water.每个只有一个错不可以加词减词哦哦! 求两道微积分的题求1.求dy/dx,x^2y-e^(2x)=siny2.∫ x/(x^2+2)^-2 dx我看不大懂。作业做的头晕了。如果能讲的更明白一点就好了 ∫ x/{(x^2+2)^(1/2)} 两道微积分题①∫sin²3X dx②∫(sec(1/X)tan(1/X))/X dx怎么都没人理我...TwT 两道微积分的题1.求微分方程y'=(x+y)^2的通解2.求幂级数∑[n=1到+∞] (x^(3n-1))/(3n-2)!的和函数.如果答案好的话会有追加分的. 微积分的两道题 ow发【au】的单词 要中文的多来几个 微积分的题,看图,请问第八题第十题怎么做, 有“ow”的英语单词,发[au]要多喔! 求解一道微积分题求值 ə: a: ɔ: u: ei ai ɔi əu au iə εə uə各有哪些字母发音还有θ tʃ ts tr ð v ʒ dʒ dz dr 一道微积分题, 这是怎么算的? 微积分一题求解! 微积分, 英语翻译想着你 不管你在哪里 我的心只有你 爱着你 我们的爱好比天空的星星 象征永恒的 甜蜜 英语翻译Education is not only the teaching and learning of knowledge,but also the developing of person's character.Now liberal education(开明教育)has a great effect on the world.Much work has been done to find better ways of teaching.Students [i:] [i] :[ai] [ei] [i] [u] [u] [au] [e] [i] 发这音的单词跪求!:[ai] [ei] [i] [u] [u] [au] [e] [i] [i:] [i] [e] [ae] [a:] [] [:] [] [u:] [u] [] [:] 发这音的单词 各10个 根号下x加根号下x加根号下x微分 关于微积分的一道题求解已知f‘(x)=2/x.f(√e)=5 求f(e) 是一道关于微分中值定理的证明题,设函数f(x)在区间[0,3]上连续,在(0,3)内可导,且f(0)+ f(1)+ f(2)=3,f(3)=1,试证必存在ξ,使f(ξ)=0. 讲一下大致思路也可以,我用计算器算过,就是求一下大致的计算思路或者方法