
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:03:00
Then she gose to her office and c__working on her games. 一首英文歌 是第一期超级演说家的插曲 歌词好像有tell me什么的 是在那个中美混血的小男孩讲完 最后失败离场时放的插曲 很好听 男生唱的 求与tell me why题材类似的歌曲反战、呼吁和平、呼吁保护环境、不满社会混乱的歌曲,语种不限.像tell me why和boulevard of broken dreams这样的.注意不是赈灾歌曲. 一首英文歌,男的,具体歌词里有 tell me now now tell me now now.快节奏的.. Can you read the book written in English 同义句 带游的成语有哪些 有关成语最后带游的 the boy _____ Steve,who is very good at the computer,______Bill Gates in our school.选项:A.with the name,is compared to.B.who called,compared with.C.calling,is compared toD.whose nameis,compared with.选择哪一个.求详解. I think Bill Gates is a very s------ businessman Mary dances well,()she?do is doesn't填哪个 ._______she dances!A.How good B.How well C.What well 这道题对吗填的:She dances as ( well ) as her sister.如果对,为什么填well不填good?well不是只表示身体好吗..good不是表示高质量的那种意思吗(比如说 your enlish is good)我是问填GOOD对不对 飘 英文简介,100单词左右,谢谢! ________she dances!填什么 为什么?A.How good B.How well C.What well D.What a good Jane is a ________dancer and she dances__________.A.good.well B.well.well C.earlier thanD.later than 飘的英文简介 游的成语有哪些 游成语有哪些 写出下列单词的-ing形式1.play 2.fly 3.give 4.climb 5.make 6.write 7.have 8.go 9.run 10.walk 11.look 12.take 有哪些游成语 写出下列单词的-ing形式中,并总结出规律①buy-( ) ②lie- () ③shop- () ④walk -() ⑤write- () ⑥call- () ⑦run- () ⑧drive- ()规律:①________________ ②________________③________________ ④ 含游的成语有哪些 写出以下单词的ing形式put begin get 把这些单词用ing形式写出来1.ask2.make3.sit4.pit 英语问题(写出以下单词的ing形式)winplanbeginwaitcutforget 每户每月用水5吨一下,水费12.5元当超过5吨时,超过5吨时,超过的部分每吨3.2元,张明家前5天用了5吨水照这样计算,张明家四月份一共要用多少吨?张明家四月份应交睡费多少元?快 5分钟之内回答 每人每月用水不能超2吨,不超每吨0.9元,超2吨每吨2元,小明家有5人,交19元水费,用了多少吨水 “goodbye,then"she said,without even ()from her book.A looking up B looking away.我认为选B ,的看法 It took Mom a few minutes to recover her ,and then she was back in control(改错) 关于bring 与take1.take是从主语所在地拿走吧?2.bring是把某物拿到主语错在地吗?3.bring有没有拿到共同知道的地方的用法?(比如说:Will you bring it to the party?)4.如果bring 有拿到共同知道的地方的 And then she said (英译中) bring与take的区别bring带来,带到自己的方向来 bring sb sth = bring sth to sb 把某物带给某人 take拿走,远离自己的方向,那为什么They ___some food for a picnic他们为野炊带来一点食物~是带进来,所以用TAKE?我