
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:25:03
“六人行”中的一句对白一季一集中,那个wine guy,Paul对Monica说 steer clear of you,下面是翻译成机智脱身,但是联系上下文,总觉得这个翻译让人摸不着头脑, UNTIL I FIND YOU怎么样 go to the other side of the ocean 我想问下,怎样可以让自己尽快成长起来. 雾可以形成云吗?如果不可以!那天气预报中“雾转多云”怎么解释? What we learned today may not be useful tomorrow.求翻译 what may first appear to be economical ,may not in reality ,be accurate?翻译 Saturday is my _________ (busy) day in a week. 读了后羿射箭的感受 英语翻译节选自 后羿射箭的问题由后羿射箭的故事想到当今的体育比赛,在大赛前的动员会上,经常有重赏的许诺.这会给运动员带来什么样的心理负担?请你谈谈自己的观点. 英语选择.-------twice ,the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we changed our dog.------twice ,the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we changed our dog.A.Being bittenB.BittenC.Having bittenD.To be bitten请详细解释一下 full length article什么意思 arrival作为到达者来讲是可数的,那当它做“到达”的时候可数吗?our arrival 还是our arrivals? arrival是不是可数名词 They greeted us ____ our arrival.I’ll show you the book ____ my return.____ arriving at my destination,I went to see my friend.____ hearing the good news,he jumped with joy.I send you my best wished _____ this happy occasion.请讲解一个为何 ____ our arrival in Suzhou,known as china`s venice,we fell in love with the city.A.onB.atC.byD.for希望能给出详细解释,谢谢! 英语翻译 everything will be gone 中文到底是 怎样 的 是 一切继续还是 一切过 去 问题: [各国]为什么在欧洲很多国家不说英语? Who can lead you to sing a song?有to吗.can lead you chant?这句怎么没有to 后羿射箭的原文和全文翻译 John walked so qiuckliy that I coudn't catch up with him.同义句转换改为的句式John walked____ _______ qiuckly __ ___ ___catch up with. 英语Lion中文是什么意思 ride through Lion Land怎么读视屏 Aninmal Land looks___!The cildern are riding__Lion Land.A.funny,through Bintersting,crossAninmal Land looks___!The cildern are riding__Lion Land.A.funny,throughB.intersting,crossC.intersting,across还要说明为什么选这个!急.知道的快回复 用get change to do sth 造句 汽车英语在线翻译trunk lid control 《GET YOU THROUGH TODAY》gl是HE吗? as far as one is concerned 为什么“is”不用“be”啊? sender03s product category是什么意思 as far as one is concerned的one用人称代词主格宾格还是物主代词的.