
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:43:14
I will go to the movies instead of____(she) What is a pensuasive What is these?Tese is some paper.paper 作为不可数名词时 stick 的用法 stick to 用法 什么时候用want什么时候用wants? 句子中什么时候用wants什么时候用want 关于安全的公益广告语,劝诫喜欢到江河的同学 请你写一条关于安全的公益广告语,劝诫喜欢到河边游泳的同学. 亲爱的同学们,为了扩大我校的知名度,我校准备到电视台做一则广告,请写出广告语. 枣同音字 挽,囫,囵,恍,逝,咳,嗽能组什么词语 给挽,囫,囵,枣,告,恍,霜,祥,逝,章,咳,嗽组词,十万火急```````我十万火急啊,快啊,会的人抓紧来帮帮我,快啊,我求求大家了 挽,囫,囵,枣,搞,恍,霜,详,逝,章,咳,嗽的形近字并组词 Do you think there is a big market for hula hoop in Philippines? dead from与,dead of 有什么区别 Who do you think he would_a letter of congratulation to your monitor?A.havewrittenB.have to write.C.have write D.have been writing.该填哪一个?理由是? Who do you think he would _____ a letter of congratulation to our monitor?A.have written B.have to write C.have write D.have been writing请问为什么呢 I____ (not go) much farther before I caught them up.按时态填空,填had gone对吗? 那个人的英文 I ___ (not go ) much farther before I caught them up.请问高手,横线上填什么为什么?答案是didn't go,为什么? “我就是那个人”英文怎么说 你对闯红灯的现象怎么看? 从行为与后果分析闯红灯现象 不属于宋辽,宋金,宋夏之间“和议”的共同点是什么?缓解了双方的战争状态客观上有利于双方经济的发展赵宋王朝都要交纳”岁币“导致南北对峙局面的形成只选一个,有没有理由,请好好说, Their house is very small with only three rooms ,no washing machine and no fridge to keep food in请问这句中的no fridge to keep food in .此句中为什么用to?前面也没有其他的动词嘛. in the begining,there was only a very small amount of unfairness in the world but every one added a little,always thinking that it was only small and not very important,and look where we have ended up today.最后的look后面的那句话怎么翻译 闯红灯是什么违法行为 修改病句.闯红灯是比较普遍的一种交通违法行为这句话说得对不对 1441年宋金议和后,与南宋接壤的少数民族政权有 用suffer造句 封建主义,资本主义,社会主义.封建主义之前是什么.农业主义吗?资本主义是商业社会吗,是罪恶的吗.