
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:30:15
【语法】a great extent 和independent 什么关系?was England followws a course of social and political history which was to a great extent independent of the course of history elsewhere in Europe.这句话的翻译辅导书上有,我就是弄 so you ___yourself . Yes,i had a great you ___yourself . Yes,i had a great weekend. 30.The big tree______ a lot of apples.A.bearsB.wearsC.growsD.takes There're a lot of apples ____ the tree.a.on we like America food very much.这句句子哪里错了 The____(high) you climb ,the more beautiful view you will see.理由! 英语"今晚谁开车送你回家"怎么说 Know what,just because I'm not good enought.Keep fighting!Improve yourself. 意思you never know,you might just end up helping yourself. 长虎牙的男生我长了4个虎牙 上面有两个下面有两个 下面的挺尖的 很明显 不知道长虎牙在咱中国有没有什么讲究 与说法找几个朋友聊聊Q648194902 这里的because是什么词性吖?I exist because of you because of what he did中的what he did是什么词性的 meimei likes sleeping ( ) the windows openPeter has a good pen .He often writes with it 同义句Peter has a good pen ------ ------- with 这两个空怎么写 can't you sit still?这句话的still为什么是形容词?sit不是动词吗? She is fatter now. She _____too much. A are eating B must have eatenFather came ______ Sally was slipping on the floor. A. while B. just as C. when D. as He must have eaten too much yeserday,( )?在线等候!He must have eaten too much yeserday,(didn't he )?He must have finish it,(hasn't he )?括号里为什么要这样填? I want no more eggs.I have eaten too much. It‘s not surprising you‘ve got stomachache.毕竟you have eaten too much.英语完成句子 求您了 It‘s not surprising you‘ve got stomachache.毕竟you have eaten too much.英语完成句子! I'd like bread with jam for breakfast?翻译成中文是什么 做宾语的非谓语动词I want to study English.这句中含有非谓语吧?那这个非谓语不定式是做宾语?2)作宾语.不定式短语作宾语时,如果还带有宾语补足语。往往把不定式宾语放在宾语补足语之后, such as 和 like 有什么区别?具体是.. such as可以和such like互换吗 Just like an encyclopedia,it contains such field 英语咋背 咋背英语更容易 英语老师学英语会不会咬文嚼字的 好像He wants to have a rest.他想休息 英文里面的休息是宾语但中文里面的修饰是谓语之类的. 学英语需要咬文嚼字吗.八级的英语需要咬文嚼字吗. He is a doctor 用worker辨成选择疑问句快 快 快…… 学英语需要咬文嚼字吗. 仿照例句写句子例he is a doctor(teacher) is he a doctor or a teacher 1her eyes are black (blue)2mike is thin(fat)3lucy is from Australia(Canada)4They,re english (Amirican)5His eyes are small .(big) water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.为什么boil要加s? 作文:战胜自我的事例