
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:35:07
can i have your [i ]card,please问号 --------yes,here you are.根据上下文及首字母提示完成句子 我们都喜欢看电影的英文怎么说 段落大意莫高窟不仅有精妙绝伦的彩塑,还有四万五千多平方米宏伟瑰丽的壁画.壁画的内容丰富多彩,有记录佛教故事的,有描绘神佛形象的,有反映民间生活的,还有描摹自然风光的.其中最引人 急求段落大意More than anthing else,Zielinski is looking for practice,not theory,and the West Point faculty is changing to meet that demand.If the typical college professor floats somewhere high above real world,at West Point instructors are exp However,like any new product entering the food chain,GM foods must be subjected to careful testing.In wealthy countries,the debate about biotech is not so fierce by the fact that they have a large number of foods to choose from,and a supply that go jack with his mother __at home yesterday morning A.was B.were C.is 1.His mother had lunch ( at home) yesterday(对at home提问2.There were some classes on Friday afternoon(一般疑问句) 3.My friend did his homework last night(否定句) 4.We (went swimming ) last Sunday(对划线处提问) 一篇关于礼貌待人好处事例的作文,作文!一定要是作文,200字左右,急用! 作文,选择一个能说明礼貌待人好处的事例,正反两个事例,要符合实际,要举自己的亲身经历 急求颂亲情演讲稿3分钟内,我需要四篇,如果4篇都找齐了, 一个现代礼貌待人好处的事例(自己看到的),写一篇小短文.二三百字的作文! 礼拜五收,各位亲们作文求中心啊~ 顺利的反义词是什么? 顺利的反义词是? He always空格newspapers after breakfastA.seesB.looks atC.readsD.watch (1)He always m_______ his breakfast by himself.(2)He wants to be a t_______.He likes teaching kid He always dose his homgwork after breakfast.(改为一般疑问句) 求能练习英语听了的英文电影,好看点的因为要看二三十遍呢最好是美国的 能介绍点英文的动画片 电影什么的么 我想练英语最好是动画片 电影的话 动画的最好 我的伙伴作文400字成人 The boy is naughty.He always makes t_____. 本村词堂快建成!求一幅以“虎山”二字的十二字藏头对联,非诚勿扰,不是十二字,是十一字的, 顺利的反义词 顺利的反义词是什么啊? 除了吴敬梓笔下的严监生还有谁是吝啬鬼 中国文学史上的吝啬鬼形象有哪几个人?越多越好 晨字组词的词语有多少 什么晨的组词有什么 晨还可以组什么词 it's rather cold outside today.come in,it's warmer( )the house填下单词啊!救命的,11 最后的一只蚊子中的最后的一只蚊子预兆着什么? 最后一只蚊子 在你看来,你觉得这最后一只蚊子预兆这什么?简要说说你的理由.