
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 17:46:50
qualitative transition是什么意思 Adherence qualitative中文什么意思啊另外,adherence quantitative 急 a qualitative change中文意思 谁能帮忙用英文解释一下什么是referral selling吗? store after英语是什么意思? will be finalized after you are on board的中文意思 too many input arguments.matlabfunction [X,FVAL,REASON,OUTPUT,POPULATION,SCORES] = zuiyou%% This is an auto generated M file to do optimization with the Genetic Algorithm and% Direct Search Toolbox.Use GAOPTIMSET for default GA options structure.int Matlab出现Too many input arguments.x0=[5*1e-3,8*1e-3,2*1e-3,12,1];f=@(x)eq(x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),x(5));option=optimset('MaxFunEvals',1000,'TolFun',1e-3,'TolX',1e-3);[tmp fval]=fsolve(f,x0,option)function f=myfun(x)B=[x(1),x(2),x(3)];t=1e-3;f(1)=(lagr MATLAB 图像算法问题 Too many input arguments.g1是一副二值图像:[N1,N2]=size(g1);for i=2:N1for j=2:N2-1g1(i,j)=min(g1(i-1,j-1)+4,g1(i-1,j)+3,g1(i-1,j+1)+4,g1(i,j-1)+3,g1(i,j))endend运行后会报错:Error using ==> minToo many input a matlab中 too many output arguments方程求根问题中:我写的a=input('输入a的值,a= ');b=input('输入b的值,b= ');x=subs(solve('c*x^2+d*x+2'));运行m文件后得到输入c的值,c= 6输入d的值,d= 7>> xx =-0.5000-0.6667可是不变原 what are they going to get at the store怎么回答请注意是:what are they going to get at the store interior life,interior view,interior trade是什么意思 C++中interior是什么意思 talk to his dad用中文怎么说 紧急紧急!Engagement-Reflection Interior Designer是什么意思但是这个The ERI-Designer中文怎么翻译啊 I will be waiting for you after this year——my goI will be waiting for you after this year——my goddess chen[em]e257676[/em]中文是什么意思 英语翻译1.我们有个色的毛衣,每件5美元2.这些西红柿多少钱?3.又到了一年的那个时候.4.那间房子多漂亮啊!5.请给我一杯咖啡,两个面包. Try to check your answers as carefully as possible after finisning the 英语翻译workshop processes是翻译成车间流程么?能不能翻译成业务流程? 英语翻译我想知道的是workshop 和seminar的区别 英语翻译是一个社团的名字,怎么翻译得有那种一听就觉得想了解这个呢 请问 how's the going going? 1.Are you gong to work in Wenzhou ()?a.in five years b.three years ago c.now d,justAre you gong to work in Wenzhou ()?a.in five years b.three years ago c.now d,just now 需理由为什么是aI have a car now.But I()one last year.A.didn't B.do I don't know anything__ Shakespace 用什么介词 改句.1.I can guess the teacher`s answer.【一般疑问句】__________________ 2.There`re three KFCrestaurant around my home.___________________3.I thank he can answer the question.【否定句】___________________ facilitator是什么意思? It is possible for fire___(cause)danger if we are not careful用cause的适当形式填空 我和女友刚吵完架,听我解释完她说:我讨厌你,后来还说:她当时气得眼泪都留下来了,请问她什么意思?或者 You don't __(necessary)have to go to the teachers' office要把理由说清楚. facilitator' facilitator什么意思来着 帮帮忙啊,翻译一下拉!急!翻译一篇文言文,《当止不止》!内容如下: 有樵者,山行遇虎,避入石穴中,虎亦随入.穴故嵌空而缭曲,辗转内避,渐不容虎,而虎必欲搏憔者,努力而入…………的那篇文