
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:41:34
Great!Steak for breakfast.是啥意思 Among those _____ were some foreign teachers.A. invited B. inviting C. to invite D. were invited速回 看了一个综艺节目,跳舞的.看了个综艺节目~一个女的上台跳舞,后来一个老师来做了个动作,是有顿点很利落的,主持人说好难哦.是一种机械的感觉吗?我就纳闷了.机械是感觉?怎么可能~瞎想的 The man at the table isn’t at table. take papers in box! _____man near_____door 用a和the填空 take in 为什么会有欺骗的意思?外国人是怎么想的. take pride pop icons是什么意思 i hope you don't mind me(ask)___you,sir,but is there much money in the will? You can get money in the( )and you can get books in the( ). You should put the money in the b_____首字母填空 duty facility 进出口,报关的词汇! ____enough sleep before takong a test will improve your mental alertness so you can think clearly.A Getting B That get C Get D Got(什么时候在可以前面加上that作为句子的主语呢?)2.It's not an easy job such a littke boy to go up the DHL的含义DHL快递公司中的每个字母分别表示什么样的含义? 崛起risen怎么操作本人起一次玩~英文的看不大懂 哪位高手给个键盘操作的翻译 RISEN怎么样 请问郑州哪个地方有英语角?我在农业大学附近~我都30了,想学英语口语了,郑州哪个地方有英语角啊?参加英语角效果怎么样? Tina a__ takes a shower at 6:30 in the evening Five years ago,she— on a fireNow,she—— in the kitchen 为什么矩阵A*X = 0,所以|A|*|X| = 0?为什么看到书上写|X|然后矩阵X = 0 ? 为什么a x+y-2a-2=0过定点(2,2)怎么得来的 试说明不论a为什么数,关于x,y的二元一次方程 (a-1)x+(a+2)y+5-2a=0必有一个确定的解 草莓地strawberry fields质量怎样 you have to adjust yourself to live here as soon as possible病句修改 老公是上海人,我得了重病,几年没有工作了,单位只帮助交了综合保险,请问能申请上海低保吗?谢谢! 英语语法 so glad to have a chance of standing here to英语语法so glad to have a chance of standing here to(practing/practice)二选一 已知a-b=-1/4,ab=3/16,求代数式a^3b-2a^2 b^2+ab^3的值 英语under the bed是在床底下的意思,但它能不能当作一个整体名词“床底下”来用? “很”字后为什么能加名词?这些名词有什么特征?举例说明! 银行承兑汇票到期日去办理委托收款,要出示延期证明吗? strawberry