
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 06:03:16
a和an两个词的用法有什么不同? 纯情是什么意思 一概、一律,马上、立刻这两个词在释义和用法上有什么区别?最好有例证 论语十则中教育我们对待知识的正确态度的句子是 把I will write a letter to my mother改为被字句 ol asked my mother to make me a sandwich and (wrote me a letter)还是(write me a letter).我觉得因为前面有to所以不知道用不用原型,为什么呢? My aunt ____(write) letters in the next room.Please be quiet Where are you from?如何回答可以用:I come from China/Beijing 区别是回答有 "come" from ,提问句只有"from",那么能用come from 回答吗 where are you from?-----from-------[中国】 where are you from的同意句 有人问你where are you from?如果你是中国人,但是现在在英国.应该答china还是britain 遏制社会道德滑坡,我们大学生应该怎么办?字数 500-800 在周六之前完成 加分 社会道德滑坡的根因是什么 九年级英语作文:寒假将去哪里旅游 要用将来时 the water ( )turned red after lily put the red paper into it.A normally B specially C graduallyD strongly C 1.翻译 2.原因 根据情况回答问题.1.Where are you from? The water is becoming cleaner and cleaner after the _______ (close) of that paper factory where are you from? 怎么回答问题 the water is becoming cleaner and cleaner after the( )(close) of that paper 过.天.雨.青.这四个字怎么组成词语雨过天青..青天过雨都不行..求个正确答案全部都不对 夏天带有雨的四个字的词语有哪些 啊字有几个读音 秋浦歌意思 Where are you come from? 哪错了? 一个具有大无畏冒险进取精神的人,即使在恶劣的环境中,也终会成为一个成功者,一个英雄 举一个大无畏冒险进取精神的例子!生活中! 你的生活中有具有大无畏冒险进取精神的人吗?把他的主要事迹简要写出来 具有大无畏冒险进取精神的人除了鲁滨逊,越多越好 具有大无畏冒险进取精神的人有哪些快,越多越好,要准确,要名人,快,切记:要名人! The rain had turned the field into a s____.Water covered the field rush into the rain 还是rush to the rain The rain falls down into a small s最后的那个单词要以“s”开头的,