
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:35:58
刘海星 翻译成英文名字 翻译“江苏海星岛实业有限公司” This is a photo of a_____ in the space. Is this ( A:a hill's picture B:a picture's hill C:a picture of a hill D:the picture of hill How does the pie feel?改为复数句 一个正方形,它的每条边长都增加5厘米,面积就增加95平方厘米,求原来正方形的面积是多少大神们帮帮忙 已知正方形面积是7平方厘米,正方形边长是多少? We enjoyed ourselves listening to music.同义句I want to m_____ a doll by myself. 正方形的面积是8平方厘米,求边长是多少? 解铃还需系铃人的成语故事 “解铃还需系铃人”中的“系”怎么发音呀?是读XI,还是读JI. 英文翻译:可能是显示器,数据线,显卡的问题 边长为1的等边三角形面积为何是根号3谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 What about meeting on sunday afternoon?同义句___ ___ on sunday afternoon. 谁有英语泛读教程第三版的练习答案啊, . 谁有泛读第三册unit 3 bursting the magic bubble的课文翻译呀? bursting the magic bubble 读后感英文读后感 she does to walk the dog. she is to walk the dog.能用IS吗? 求同意句转换He came here three months ago___ ___three months ___ he___ ___Three months ___ ___ ___ he ___ ___ she has taken my bag with quiet的中文 quiet a while的中文 同义句怎么写, 填空! He doesn't want ( )that he's failed in the be known B.him to be known C.that to be know to be known 如何写好作文?我是一名初中生,自上初中以来就越来越迷茫了……我的老师总是说写一个实例然后写点道理就是一篇好作文 了,但那样的话作文岂不是太老化了嘛?作文难道也公式化了?请求新 Hope .Hold On ,Pain hold on pain 如何写好想象作文? If we keep doing now,then i will be with you forever.