
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:36:14
动词be的用法正确形式填空:1My name()Gina 2,what () your name?3,Her name () Jenny 4,What ()name?动词be的用法正确形式填空:1My name()Gina 2,what () your name?3,Her name () Jenny 4,What ()name?5,My name () Tom.6.She ()a Some of the students did __(bad) in listening,they should practise listening more often than bef...Some of the students did __(bad) in listening,they should practise listening more often than before请给详细解释 Father runs around the lake every morning He is a good _______ji 复读机只能一句一句话,怎样重复一篇文章的 李阳突破单词的mp3谁有 有没有一款软件,可以当复读机,将英语mp3分割成一句话一句话我想听写英语短文,要用一种软件,可以一句一句停下来,复读,循环播放,这款软件名字忘了,mp3是我自备的,不是软件本身提供的 A:Are you satisfied with her work,sir?B:Not at all.It couldn't be any( ).A.better B.best nice to meet you.can i have your name 怎么回复 欲盖弥彰才是最低调的炫耀这句话什么意思?补充下 是:欲盖弥彰才是最高调的炫耀 这句话的含义~ 为什么读书郎复读机放出来的声音很慢,很低沉放磁带的时候,磁带的声音很慢,很低沉 诺亚舟复读机为什么读音非常慢 I think i can be better and I think i can ____it better A do B piay C look 告诉我们美好生活来之不易,要懂得节约的名言警句是: 祖国的简称是什么 安徽是什么的故乡 为啥I couldn’t care less.=I could care less.还有为啥I should be so lucky.=I’m unlucky.拜托给我一个能让我这种英语新手容易理解一点的解释吧.还有I couldn't have got to Slough in time unless I'd had a helicopter.I coul I couldn't care less.从字典的意思看是我根本不在乎.为什么是这种解释呢,我认为care less本身就是不在乎,如果加个couldn't那不就是不能不在乎的意思吗, 为什么i couldn't care less 译“我不感兴趣” You couldn't care less,let me be bitterly disappointed.You are couldn't care less,let me be bitterly disappointed这两句有区别吗?还是意思一样. 请问:I couldn't care less.中的couldn't表示什么意思? 写一份有关于新年的计划的信 用英语 我爸爸喜欢清早就出门My father likes_______ _______ ________ in the morning 1.我爸爸喜欢清早就出门 My father likes_______ _______ ________ in the morning2.He is late for school because he is ill.(同义句0He is late for school _____ ______ his illness.3.She's going to work hard at English this term.(对work hard a 我是足球男孩 英语怎么说 3dmax2012作图时,模型上和模型周围有黑色阴影,如图,这是什么情况? 3dmax8画图时看不见线条,必须把图画出来才出现物体 西方神话中是谁创造了世界? 判断德语的阴阳性劳驾给看一下下面这些词的阴阳性 Lehrer Philologie Portier Lied Student Bier Kaffee Hotel Buch Professor Kaffee Frau Medizien 奥林匹斯神和中国的神仙哪个厉害是不是镇元大仙最厉害?他的乾坤袖连孙悟空都逃不出去 《英美国家概况》练习求助!为什么说英国是 A complicated country with a complicated name?大概有几个方面的知识点要回答?希望更加详细更全一点,我不是英语专业的~ 怎么才能更好记住德语单词