
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 21:11:12
It's impolite to make noise while ____ noodles in some countries.为什么用eating而不是用to eat cheers什么意思 Cheers 搜百度一堆,就是谬解释滴……= =偶看半天英文,还是8晓得他的确切意思…… 英语书信中的cheers是什么意思 《过松源晨炊漆公店》的翻译 求《过松源晨炊漆公店》的翻译,要全的, 跪求初二新课标英语上册的录音,就是录音带的那种,MP3格式,要清一点的,录音带的太含糊了有的发到邮箱: 初二下的英语课文录音带要课文的 急 I just can't say goodbye 数列{an},a1=1,a(n+1)=2an+2^n.(1)设bn=(an/2^(n-1)),证:bn是等差数列; (2)求数列{an}的前n项和Sn 已知数列an满足a1=1,且an=2an-1+2^n-1 ,an/2^n是等差数列我证好了,第二问是:求an前n项和Sn 可以有文字解释,适合学生看的,帮下学生~an/2^n是等差数列 且 d=1/2,a1=1/2 题意中的 an=2an-1+2^n-1 (n是正整数,n what you said today was not (一致 )with what you said at yesterday's meeting Father was angry ( ) what I said yesterday What he said yesterday surprised me改为同义句 I am _____ at his yesterday 's ________ could you get back to me? just one last dance、before we say goodbye 中文的意思 ,只要这一句话的~ say goodbye的中文是什么意思? 一首歌say what you say say that you say英文歌,男的唱的.高潮部分就是say what you say下一句就是 say that you 元首愤怒了什么意思 每天下雨使我感到很愤怒,有什么解决的办法么 极度愤怒会是什么样子的? 什么样的事会愤怒,什么事都没有, 设数列an的前n项和为Sn,满足2Sn=an-2∧n+1 +1 ,且a1,a2+5,a3成等差设数列an的前n项和为Sn,满足2Sn=an-2∧n+1 +1 ,且a1,a2+5,a3成等差数列.求a1,an的通项 don't ask what the meaning of life is 和 don't ask what the meaning of life 有何区别?RT, What is the meaning of"Better city better life"?用英语回答, 【【急】】一道英语选择题~The consumer-price index rose 4.48% in the first five months of this yThe consumer-price index rose 4.48% in the first five months of this year,___ 4.7% in the same period last year.A.thanB.toC.againstD.with 把下列句子改为同义句. What's the meaning of the word? What ___ the word ____? Heard that has come to love 除中国四大发明以外还有哪些发明并用英语介绍它对中国的影响 中国的四大发明谁给我用英语介绍一下?一个就够了,一定要短短短!(是英语) I____what he said.A.agreed with Bagreed to .C.agreed on D.agreed at It was the training he had as a young man made him such a good engineer.A.that that B.that what C.that which D.which that 为什么答案是A不是D?It was the training __ he had as a young man __ made him such a good engineer.A.that that B.that what