
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:35:07
bike、like、milk、kite中的i有哪一个发音不同? 把bike/milk/kite/fish/rice/pig根据元音字母分成两类 I go to have a family dinner at my grandparents" home every weekend.同义句转换 英语翻译大家给推荐个好点的在线翻译器 The movie Transformers by Steven Spielberg is( ) boring;it is,in fact,rather exciting andThe movie Transformers by Steven Spielberg is( ) boring;it is,in fact,rather exciting and interesting.A.anything but B.nothing but C.no less D.more than说明原 In f( ),the movies is boring 根据首字母填空:in (f ) ,the movie is boring (1/2)连词填空1I don't know__I should do next 2I don't know__she didn't agree 白杨树为什么缠黄胶带 “bike、like、big、library”中“i”字发音与其他三个不同的是? 求:世界时间对照表 固定的 I don't want _____because this show is boring 原词是watch tv 用适当的形式填空 make the air clean意思:family tree:trace..back..::::your greats If I have a lot of money初中英语作文 不少60字! bike+mine+nice+kite的发音有哪个发音不同 If you have a lot of money翻译成英语.如果我有很多钱,我想给爸爸妈妈买一套房子.让他们可以不去工作,让他们过上最好的生活.我想用一部分钱捐给希望工程.不要用翻译机. 1.‘中华人民共和国’的字母带表是什么?2.W W W,W H O,W T O,SOS分别代表什么? 晚上老是失眠,眼睛很想睡觉就是大脑很活跃怎么也睡不着,该怎么办好? Why so many people want to have a son?请帮忙用英文写一些“传统观念中希望生男孩的原因”,简单一点就可以,口语题. 同义句转换 We want to have supper outside tonight. He doesn't want to have supper.同义句改写 昨天已成为过去 英语怎么说xiexie 这句话翻成英文是?在你死后,被封禁在暗无天日的地底下,和快乐幸福的蚂蚁共同分享腐败的食物. 这句话翻成英文是什么CYO全系列产品具有模块化搭配性,能快捷的建造成现代感时尚的商务空间. 这句话翻成英文怎么说然后我们为你的死亡而干杯.在线翻译者杀无赦 描写壮观景象 词语快块块块块快 找一首英文歌 貌似一直有重复too late too late可能是我听错了反正大概这个音,重复好多遍.求 初二下册英语解释句子··1.Be careful,or you will have an accidennt.2.He was often angry with his students.3.Make a picture in your mind that you are living in a big castle.4.If you don't wear glasses,you will not see clearly.5.Unless you pr 英语翻译 英语翻译 初二下册英语第三单元的句子及其翻译 1.I am frigtened of the barking dog、2.The parents are searching for their lost child、3.The thief escaped from a crowd of people、4.He made a certain impression as a very kind man、5.To learn English well is important for us用英语解释句子