
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 10:54:33
give away=什么 一个单词 散步的意思 有give no effort这个词吗? 请问这句what she did made us very surprise请问这样说可以吗? 英语单词SHOW什么意思啊 are those—— bags no they are not they are___A their our B their mine C our yours D our their we they your 谁是不同类的? The news made me realize ——A what terrible problems we would faceB what terrible prbblems would we faceC how terrible problems we would faceD how terrible problems would we face选什么 为什么》 Happy birthday,tom.如何回答? the shocking news made me realize what terrible problems we would face .这句话中what 为何不能改作how? Happy birthday ,Tom.________ A.with pieasure B.thanks a lot C.You,too为甚麽呢?解释一下 played and sang'Happy birthday'____Tom.A.to B.for C.with D.of 青花瓷的出现早于青瓷, 选用所给的词填空 (就2道题) am are his your her my is an1.Peter is English.Mr.Zhang is____Chinese teacher.2.This is ____old watch.还要写为什么是这个答案~如果你填an就要写为什么要填an~ 连词成句 are,thirty,the,trousers,pounds,blue are thiry the trousers pounds blue 连词成句 are,thirty,trousers,pounds,blue.应该怎么连词成句? lay和lie的区别? lie和lay的区别最好有例句,把每种有关联的词汇都列一下 lie lay 和lied的区别 lie,lay怎么区分? At last they found some coat _____(make)of cotton.为什么横线里填的是made,没有Be动词,请帮帮忙,谢谢非常急 and they often make a special kind of food is called dumplings.这句话哪儿错? fried,French,a,of,kind,food,is(连词成句) 越南饮食文化-Vietnamese food culture!谁知道越南饮食文化(Vietnamese food culture)?用英文(english)来写的,不用很多,差不多就ok.请给我, Those trousers are 80同意句 His white trousers are long.(对His提问) his trousers are blue 对划线部分提问划线部分是blue 西班牙语大舌音怎么练? 西班牙语的大舌音该如何练?现在,我大舌音是能发出来了,可是每次发的时候都很累,尤其是和后面的元音一起发的时候,更吃力,舌头很僵硬,怎么发都发不标准.大舌音究竟应该如何练才能顺畅 关于西班牙语大舌音的问题最近学大舌音遇到一点困难,已经可以呼气带动舌头颤了,但是还是不会放到单词里读.就是不能发出元音,看了很多遍视频还是不得要领.希望有人传授一下经验,到底 谚语用英语怎么说 形容人说的是实话用real还是true?形容他说的是谎话用lie还是false?这个问题的语境是:我不相信某人的话了,我要告诉他“我不知道你到底哪句是真(real或truch),哪句是假(lie或false)!”此处应该怎