
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 12:38:37
Can you think of some cases __ drivers obviously knew the traffic rules but didn't obey them?A.whyB.whereC.asD.which但我选的是A.为什么选B不选A? 写出关系代词或关系副词,和他们在定语从句中的成分.1.It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year,when for the first time in years their team won the World Cup.2.Jackey Chan,for whom life had once been very hard,is 如何判断定语从句中的成分缺不缺少,怎么判断用的是关系代词还是关系副词 You need something to drink,don't you?A,Not at all.B,I needn't C,No,please D,Yes,please if you fell there is no need to me about something please don't made me curious about it.的汉语意思 betty can play table tennis play table tennis提问在线等喏 亲们帮帮我 伯牙绝弦这个故事是哪个时代的(是春秋还是战国? The naxt station is YLMF..这个句子是什么意思、、 谁晓得怎样在word文档中统计英文单词数 帮帮着急的人吧,打心底麻烦大家了 大家帮看看怎样在word文档中统计英文单词数 帮帮着急的人吧,打心底麻烦大伙 There is a train station in the north west next to the 全部翻译 请问谁知道怎样在word文档中统计英文单词数帮帮着急的人吧,打心底麻烦各位5K At the next station是什么意思? 告诉我下怎样在word文档中统计英文单词数帮帮着急的人吧,打心底麻烦大家了1d was,trip,l,about,the,excited (.)连词成句 能不能告诉一下描写流水的诗句呀,我急用,za i ma su! how can he get good grades when he won't study 这句话如何翻译,这里为什么用when? our school is (next to) the station改为同义句( ) 把括号里的换一下. si school the to station train the next连词成句 用所给单词的正确形式填空:she would like (play)table tennis in summer l hope you get good 如何用get good grades造句还有keep healthyas for mestudy betterhealthy lifestyleactiveactivity activitiestry to do sth she likes to send them messages using the Internet. The clothes look unusual.she likes them将这个句子合并成含有定语从句的复合句2.The music has great lyrics.We all really enjoy it. Having a trip abroad is good for the old couple,but it remains seeing whether they will enjoy it.这句话中remain后为啥用"seeing"?(+_+)?不懂~ 英语6.Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old people6.Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old people,but it remains _____ whether they will enjoy it.a.to see b.to be seen c.seeing d.seen为什么 求助大家怎样在word文档中统计英文单词数 有会的人说下嘛,感谢各位朋友了 Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple,but it remains____ whether they will enjoy it.(NMET2002)A.to see B.to be seen C.seeing D.seen为什么选B? Having a trip aboad is certainly good for the old couple,but it remains__whether they will enjoy itA.to see B.to be seen C.seeing D.seen答案是B`为什么不是A呢可以简单解释下吗`大篇幅的理论实在吃不消`谢谢! 告诉下怎样在word文档中统计英文单词数 会的人说下嘛, Having a trip abroad is certainly good .abroad是副词在这里修饰什么呢? 问下怎样在word文档中统计英文单词数 会的人说下嘛,