
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:10:59
Although he got a chance to study abroad,he is ____(happy) 怎么填?请给我讲一下为什么 It is ___ for us to have a chance to go abroad eIt is ___ for us to have a chance to go abroad every year.No one disagrees with it.A.fairB.unfairC.fairnessD.unfairness if you have a chance to go abroad,just _______(take) it.怎么填?为什么? What have done to make you so happy 划分一下句子成分. I hope you will have a good time there〔改为同义句〕 (转)实践能力由哪些核心要素构成 国防动员能力,通常由什么要素构成是个选择题A动员潜力,B动员组织力,C动员指挥力、D动员执行力 同义句转换 每空一词 1.Do you have a good time at the party?Do you ___ ___ at the party?下接2.My uncle is at work.My uncle ___ ___.3.You helped me a lot.Thank you.Thank you ____ ____ me a lot.4.John is on Jim's right.John is ____ _____ ____ Did you have a good time at the party, Linda写同义句Did you _____ _____at the party,Linda 证券的性质、特点和组成要素是什么? Did you have a good time at the party?为什么用at? I'm you'll have a good time at the party上面的空填什么 为什么气象站的百叶窗要涂成白色呢? Time has changed us,said goodbye to the simple.” 帮我翻译下这句词 , 在南半球的气象站中,百叶窗的门向哪里开 马克思主义认为,实践的构成要素有哪些 英语中何时使用wouldn,t have done shouldn,t have done couldn,t have done needn,t have donewouldn have done shouldn have done could have done needn have done 呢 Life is not what you have gained but what you have 以“低碳生活,从我做起”为主题通过给身边的人写一份信告诉他们自己对于低碳生活的看法及对环保问题的感 气象站的百叶箱内装的是什么 求time to say goodbye歌词希望我看到你的回答就可以制造出简易的,当然我不是恐怖分子~呵 Time to Say Goodbye 的中文歌词没有中文歌词,歌词大意也行 城市由哪些基本要素构成 noise是可数名词吗,make a noise there's so much noise 怎么搞的,到底可不可数 the teahcer asked us _ so much noise A.don't make B.not make C.not making D.not to make If the poor man were rich,he would not have time to make so much noise.翻译成中文 英语翻译”你为什么要偷听我的自言自语?“把意思翻译出来就好,但是不能用太过长或者不常用的词,是日常对话.ps:中文表达能力不太好,懂我意思就行eavesdropped 我不觉得是一个平常会说的 He told the boys not to make so much noise.为什么boy后面要加s time to say goodbye歌词中英文对译!哪位英文高手帮忙准确的翻译出time to say goodbye英文歌词挖!, 什么动物牙齿最黑? 根据所学知识回答;建设中国特色社会主义理论包括哪些主要内容 中国特色社会主义理论体系包括哪些?