
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 12:41:24
一个面的的面积25平方CM的正方体的表面积是多少他的棱长是多少CM 用some和any填空:Would you like to buy ( ) food for us?Sure.What do we need?Mm,( ) apples ( ) chicken and ( ) bread.Oh,we don't have ( ) milk.Ok.I'll buy ( ).Do we need ( ) juice?Er,how about ( ) orang juice?Good idea! 用any和some填空1.There isn't_____celery left.2.Let's buy_____ice cream.3.We don't have______soda.4.I'd like______salsd,please.5.There aren't_______apples left. With price rising.为什么不用被动 We'd prevent the price of house rising 改为被动语态 谦谦君子的反义词 The price of food keeps__ up.A.going B.getting C.rising D.growing为什么?我觉得a也对啊 ‘君子’的反义词君子:古代指地位高的人,后来指人格高尚的人 ;对统治者和贵族男子的通称对应的是野人:泛指村野之人;农夫.庶人;平民 君子的反义词 君子不夺人所好 的反义词是什么 君子成人之美的反义词是什么? Mr Black has been in ____debet since his factory closed down,so he has little money_____him.前面是短语in debt,后面就不知道到底是in还是on?讲一下行不行?为什么选on?in不是有表状态一说吗? Dear Ying,It has been almost five years since you left Xi'an to settle down in Shenzhen.I believe that you have started enjoying life in that beautiful coastal city,and the warm climate will surely be good for your health.I have a vacation for two we ...,depanding on whether the price has gone up or down since they bought their shares这里的depanding on whether 是什么结构?谁可以解释一下,为什么是Ing 形式. 恶的反义词是什么 三角形的三条边叫什么名字 恶蚀反义词 填反义词 凶什么恶什么? 好什么恶什么啊,并且两个是反义词. 三边相等的三角形叫做等边三角形或——. 即墨西元庄房子有没有 发展潜力 会不会升值.为什么会升值 为什么会降下来.还有即墨 以后房价会持续涨吗.西元庄几年以后 房价会有所增值吗? The skill has been passed on from father to son这句话怎么翻译成中文? 把20l水倒入一个棱长为40cm的正方体容器中,水深多少厘米? 超前的反义词是什么? There (c )means three hundred years.把括号内的单词补全 11.A hundred years makes a c____________. being still isn't something we're used to 什么意思?有什么句型?怎么翻译谢谢你们帮我… anyone can do . sum41 WE'RE ALL TO BLAME让观众喊的是什么 类似于SUM41的 we are all to blame 的歌最好是像前奏一样的,中途不要把节奏慢下来。 谁能给我讲讲英语的什么表语状语宾语主语谓语等等吗,再打上比较简单的例子证明, The reason that the factory was burned down has not been found out.