
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:25:20
Lost & Found 歌词 lost and found中为什么用过去式 历史上中外国家跟土地有关的改革及规定 世界各国资产阶级革命或改革过程中都必须解决土地问题,下列国家中解决土地问题的的政策有利于农业现代化,① 英国 ② 法国 ③ 俄国 ④ 美国 A . ① ② B . ② ③ ④ C . ① ④ D . ① ③ we can stick to a lifetime like,on,the,ninth,the,Greens,floor,of,the,building用以上联词成句 请你谈谈不同的革命历史阶段的土地政策的背景,内容,对革命发展所起的作用,并简论土地政策的现实意义 多少人真的可以做到i will be loving you even you go away ?我不相信 用"play a trick on somebody"造句并翻译 What is your telephone number?It is 382-4236.What about your------?392-9762.-------填什么?只填一个词 I wanted U 如题 I wanna leave, I wanted you是什么意思? the third day in a year is ---- my share of the New Year's Day is an festival in the New Year's Day is an festival in the 我的名字叫小小.你呢?用What about you 还是用What about yours? 把We eat a lot of them.翻译成中文. Echoes of the Jazz Age By F. Scott Fitzgerald 的中文翻译,不要机器翻译的,谢谢.文章很长,悬赏不多,敬请谅解 "He have two hand."还是 "He has two hand."(他有两只手.)"He have two hand." or "He has two hand." Matthew _____two sisters 用have/has 回答 1.The c------ in the desert can help people carry heavy things.2.T--- of tourists come to visit the Great Wall every day.3.I read your article in the m-----------,ang it was pretty moving . E_____ carry things can help people 急. 悠字组重叠词 ‘悠’的二字词语和四字词语 lucy is as old as lily 变一般疑问句并做否定回答最好今晚 My science is not good.what about (you)?改为适当形式.答案是yours,我觉得是you.哪个对,求高见 Lucy is as old as Lily 一般疑问句并作出否定回答 Lily is ___old___LucyLily is 12 years old.Lucy is 12 years old ,too.怎么改成上面那个句子? 英语语法 类似于keep+动词ing ,should+动词原形.把这些全列举出来. He should 后面动词是跟原型还是跟三单紧急 咳咳~When is your birthday?MY birthday is on Mar.15.what about your? 什么动词后用should加原型?我记得有个口诀来着?