
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:24:16
我想问问Mean normal GFR for age和Lower limit of GFR for age.中文意思是什么? cent dollor yuan 复数哪个有复数? 我想知道什么样的帅哥大家喜欢? 请问怎么用英语表达这句话?我立即回复了买家的疑问,并且询问了中国的物流服务商.经过两天的等待,我从工作人员口中得知这个包裹被德国海关扣留了,我通知了买家. que sais-je?这句话是蒙田说的, 和尚打道士什么意思 往咎道士是什么意思 “还”发什么音?出处:《菜根谭》是一部清言集,以明代习见的格言体写就,作者洪应明,字自诚,号 还初道人 ,明朝万历年间人士,其人其事不见经传,另著一书《仙佛奇踪》. “那道人在道上道”什么意思? "术士"中的"术"字是什么含义? 社会实践活动经历初中英语翻译 现有a,b,c,d四种氨基酸,要组成四肽,问可组合成多少种四肽(每种氨基酸可用多次) 世界自然基金会是什么 MA MEILLEURE AMIE怎么样 一架飞机于5月1日从甲机场起飞,直抵位于西经50度的乙机场,中途飞行共用了20个小时问:(1)飞机起飞时,乙机场的地方时是多少?(2)降落时甲,乙飞机场的地方时是多少?(上面的还缺少一个6 电吉他主动拾音器和被动拾音器的区别!对比一下优劣之处! 我的数学成绩从来没超过110,总是100分以上110以下,我想考更高, 用英语写回信Dear editorI used to have a very good friend in my class.We talked a lot after class and she was always there when I need help .But then ,everything changed.It seems that she now is a best friend of another girl.When I see them talk 写英语回信Dear editor,Most of my classmates have fashionable bikes.They ride their bikes as fast as possible.I want to have such a bike,but my parents don't agree.What should i do?Yours,Dick根据以上内容写回信 60-70 已知x大于1,且a等于根号x-根号x-1,b等于根号x+1-根号x,则a、b大小关系为? 英语,写回信阅读下面的来信,请根据来信的内容给汤姆写一封回信.要求语言通顺、有层次感,字数严格控制在100词左右.Dear Mr.Liu,I failed in my English test again.I think I have tried my best.I don’t know why I 写英语的回信.Dear ** I'm very happy to see you soon!I'll go to China next month .But I don't know much about China and Chinese food. Whan do you have for breakfast,lunch and dinner?Do you have humburgers orfor lunch?Whan's your favorite food (a+b)/2大于等于根号下ab 的推导过程?要详细过程.符号说不清可以用文字说明. 英文回信,.怎么写?how are you ,i know you have been in anew school for a few months .please tell me about it .do you follow the rules all the time ,please remember to send a copy of the e-mail to julie ,she wants to know about your school too,i 家有儿女第一部学英语那集是第几集 最好有链接姥姥和别人比赛学英语,刘星当老师那集 Can you buy T-shirts in the store?yes I can. 家有儿女 《家有儿女》是哪些人物 英语作文:1自我介绍、2我的朋友,60词,谢谢了啊\(≧▽≦)/ 请教一道英语听力题there is nothing worse than a really bad one either啥意思呢?97年英语六级听力题目passage 2中出现过,there is nothing like a good relationship.But I am not so sure.There is nothing worse than a really bad one, There's nothing worse than waking up on a ( ) day 填颜色 .“三个代表”重要思想要回答的主要问题是( )