
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 03:34:21
During the class you'd better take some n___ while you are listening to the teacher.How s____ you are! The problem is difficult,but you worked it out.Tina is funny and Tara is even f____ than her. which one do you want ———will do a.some b.any c.every d.one which of the two t-shirts do you want i want __.please show me __[a]none,another[b]all,the other[c]neither,the other [d]neither ,another ( )-There isn't_______juice in zhe fridge.Would you like ___________milk?-Yes,pleaseA any;some B some; any C any;any D a;the 谁知道go wrong是啥意思,能造句更好! 用15个词语造句,急.扰乱 哀鸣 狩猎 哀号 喧嚣 喑哑 沉寂 静谧 篡夺 劫掠 酷爱 弱肉强食隐隐约约 窸窣作响 连续不断 夜色苍茫 更胜一筹 惊慌失措 开膛破肚津津有味 残肢断腿 毫不犹豫 选十 请问哪位大侠知道,慵懒时光和慵懒如猫这两个词组的英文翻译? 为什么if中动词时态不一致 为什么时态不一致1.She loves the boy as if she "were" his mother2.She looks as if she "were" five years old 此句时态前后不一致Let us see how dictionaries are made and how the editors arrive at definitions.前面的made用了过去式,可是后面的动词怎么又是原形呢?还有arrive at怎么会用在这儿? 时态一致么 这个句子the protection of wild animals have worked toward for many years which cost a lot but made little difference 请问生命的意义是什么?人为什么而生? 人为什么而生?人为什么而死?生命的意义又是什么? 这句英文时态不明白That is the most that could be said against her.could be said是怎么个意思?意思是-这就是大多数据说反对她的人 could CAN的过去式还被动 be THE PEOPLE ON THIS IS LAND WERE NOT FRIENDLY TO US(改为同义句) there __some cabbage on the ground请问横线处应填什么? There are some l______on the ground when auntumn comes There is some paper on the ground.Please___.pick it uo还是pick them up? 英语翻译要翻译的句子是”因为当我开始写作的时候我的头就疼.”我写勒个”Bcause my head has ached when I began write.”.所以有会的帮忙翻译下,一定要完全正确的.因为不难. 英语翻译“但是一晚上过去了,妈妈一直没有把小孩送出来.狼只好失望的离开,他说‘人没有一句真话.’”就是这一句话, were the twins in the classroom at that time?Yes,but they weren't the only people in the classroom. They were ()A some other B another ones C the otherones D some other oneswhy? The twogirls were frightensd at that time.对frightened提问 指别人做不到,他却做到的事的成语 英语笔译兼职? 兼职英语笔译行情英译中,中译英分别每千字多少钱 We don't want to have noodles____ AmoreBno moreCang moreDany some为什么 黄洁芸这个名字取英文名.最好和洁芸音似.要写英文简历.所以希望正式点~ You have to hurry up if you want to buysomething because there’hardly __leftA,somethingB,nothingc,anythingd,everyting选C,问题修改You have to hurry up if you want to buy something because there’S hardly __left you have to hurry up if you want to buy something because there"s hardly anything left.什么意思 some of them怎么读 《杂诗》王维 君自故乡来,应知故乡事.来日绮窗前,寒梅著花未.中的"著"的读音是什么.zhu三声?zhuó二声?这两个到底哪个对?为什么? Professor Wang,many students want to see you._____they wait here or outside?(d)A.Do B.Are C.Will D.Shall