
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 13:36:22
we must (be)quiet in the reading room. They promise _____(not talk)loudly in the reading room.They like___friendly to others.(be)They promise _____(not talk)loudly in the reading room.They like___friendly to others.(be) Alice is always friendly and helpful.is always friendly and helpful 甲,乙两地相聚性184千米,两辆汽车同时从两地相对开出.1.6小时相遇.甲车每小时54千米,乙车每小时行多少千米? must they dust the room?的否定回答是什么? Must they dust the room肯定回答 A,B两地相距475千米,甲乙两辆汽车分别从两地相向而行,经过5小时相遇.已知甲车每小时行40千米,乙车每小行多少千米? I left my umbrella in my room.Could you wait ---Igo back to get it?A before B while 甲乙两车从相距175千米的两地同时相对开出,甲车每小时行驶42又4/5千米,经过7/4小时两车相遇.问:乙车每小时行多少千米? 月亮和星星的距离有多远?” 星星离月亮有多远? 月亮和离它最近的那颗星星的距离是多少? 有本书有些到星星与月亮的距离,应该不是真实的距离,或许是句什么有韵味的话,请诸位帮助,谢谢 The manager,____it clear that he didn't agree with us,left the meeting room.A having madeB making选A为什么? 抗日战争中日本在华最高司令官是谁? The manager , having made it clear to us that he didn't agree with us , left the meeting room.那位大虾帮忙详细分析一下句子成分及翻译一下句意,先谢过了? 抗日战争时期日本鬼子占领的县城一般有多少兵力? The manager,making it clear to us that he didn’t agree with us,left the meeting room.如何翻译 星星离我究竟离我们有多远?月亮会毁灭吗? 星星与月亮之间的关系? The manager,____ it clear to us that he didn't agree with us,left the meeting room.答案是having made,那么填who has mad错在哪呢? 第4,5,6题,不方便打字可以,写到纸上,拍照发过来 The manager,______it clear to us that he didn't agree with us,left the meeting room A to make B having made为什么选A不行,不能表示这个经理的目的吗?为了让他不同意我们表现得更明显 为什么尺规作图做的角是相等的 尺规作图做同已知角相等的角要有作图痕迹 尺规作图 如何画两个相等的角? 用尺规作图做两个相等的角时、可以使用量角器吗 第5,6题,不方便打字可以,写到纸上,拍照发过来 八年级生物科普知识、、急!做手抄报用 科普知识 Would you please_____(not open )the windows?It's cold. sin67°30′cos67°30′ Open the windows please.的同义句 是( )( )the windows,please.I see...应该是Don't close the windows,please.一下子想起来了