
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:55:24
英语 My little brother wants to b____ a doctor when he grows up.根据句意和首字母提示,填入一个恰当的词. the China Folk Culture Villages 写深圳的名胜:the China Folk Culture Villages—---- Welcome to China folk Culture Villages.的中文意思 the China Folk Culture Villages and Happy Valley.中文翻译 I am your best friend It's so funny My best friend is very funny.(对划线部分提问) --------------- your best firend 祝大家新年快乐,合家团圆!马年吉祥!英语怎么说 I,who am your best friend,certainly will help you.这个句子的疑问我知道是非限定性定语.who am your best friend补充说明I.但后面的certainly will help you我就不太懂了.它还是不错说明I吗?那可以这样写吗?I certa she will be a singer when she什么(grow的什么形式)up She wants to be a singer and travel around the world when she grow up.这里She wants to be a singer and travel around the world 中为什么连词 and 后 travel around the world 的 travel 不是三单?不是连词后的形式应该和前面wants She wants ____a singer when she grows up.(be) 宇宙每天都在爆炸 但我们在地球却一点也不知道 这是为什么? 太空中两架太空飞机相撞爆炸情形和其在地球上的爆炸情形有什么差别?具体的情形,恩 从视觉上来看的差别 一月,二月……十二月,用英文写出十二个月,包括它们的缩写,thank you very much! 英语中用就近原则的词(组)有哪些?Thank you very much! 英语翻译They are looking fou _ _ _ 英语翻译反正不要机器翻译的、我一看就知道了、我懂这句话、只是不晓得咋个准确翻译 英语翻译这是中国古代典籍中一句话! 翻译:I like to have friends who are different from me 英语翻译A.Do you get support from your friends?B.I got bullied a lot.A.you got bullied from where?B.At the school. 听说三八妇女节当天是否可用100元人民币序号后面带38数字的可到银行100换200元钱是真是假 人民币100元只有四分之三银行兑换多少被老鼠咬了 英语翻译1.what safety and emergency sings can you identify at your workpalce?(please use drawings on a separate and explain what they mean)2.explain what you have to do in an emergency evacuation at your workplace. never stop searching for love, or you will start to love what is come to you是什么意思`RT` (简单的等待)用英语怎么说?I will never stop waiting until you even if u do not understand.but me will never stop这句话是什么意思?Even if you do not understand but we will never stop.这句话又是什么意思 这些怎么读, 2011六年级上册英语课文47页怎么做?unit5 重庆长江三峡什么时候旅游最佳? 英语翻译:在重庆可以领略山城的夜景,可以游览三峡,你还带她参观一些名胜古迹 谁能帮我设计个英文与中文搭配的伤感个性网名?最好是英文开头的, 加点还看的符号! 谢谢!英文与中文的搭配,要很有个性的啦! 要很伤感的,如果满意,追加悬赏分!