
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:07:15
这是为什么有一天放学我要去同学家,那天下大雨,我没带伞,我喜欢的男生(据说他不喜欢我)就主动打伞送我回家.为什么. All of these birthday foods may be different中food为什么加s 我想提高下英语,朋友推荐背诵新概念, What kind of political ideas are expressed in the document of 1789?it a question,not a translate question.I am learning world history ,so,please help me 背《新概念》2册的短文对提高英语有用吗? 有谁懂java的.Processing '/etc/joe/joerc'...doneProcessing '/etc/joe/joerc'...doneFile lab3_1.java saved.[xx0950@ibm-kmh lab3_1.java]$ javac lab3_1.javalab3_1.java:24:ÐèÒª pulic void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){//´¦ orbit的过去式 we were a bit frightened at frist.这里的were要过去式吗. 地区识别不准确用英语怎么说? Do you like (swim) in summer? I the girl playing. A.see B.look C.read D.watch what I am interested in___country musicA is B are C has D have 记得初中时候 背的是 望西都,意踌躇.可是高中了,变成 望西都,意踟蹰.所以茫然了- -` 究竟应该是哪一个? 踟蹰是什么意思要快 虫踯躅不受制的踯躅的读音 8 and 888 are two lucky numbers.Now we want to put 10 numbers between them,so that the difference between any two neighboring numbers is equal.So what is the number next to 有these is英语造句 用then和these造句 顺便加意思 用the,these,they合在一起造句 求(踯躅)二字的拼音? Primarily a teacher,she later became a writer结构 Primarily a teacher,she later became a writer.这句话的前面为什么可以是adv+ a teacher呀 踯躅读什么 Susan went to Hollywood in1998 ,six years later,_____she became a famous actress all over theWorld.A.when.B.where.C.which.Dwhy正确答案是B,为什么不选A? “踯躅”怎么读? She ( ) that he would marry a doctor ten years later.(本题分数:2 分.)She ( ) that he would marry a doctor ten years later.(本题分数:2 分.) A、 Predicted B、 Proved C、 witnessed D、 identified 踯躅怎么读是什么意思等答案啊. 踯躅怎么读 填入适当的单词Peter came in and closed the d_____ after him what can you do in the evening用watch回答 The prize for the funniest performer_____Peter.A.went to B.came over C.went for D.came in选哪个 为什么选 we they these those 造句.急!每个造3句啊 our teacher( ) many magazines,里面填has还是have还是there are 踯躅怎么读?何意?