
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:14:35
what do you ___from what you say,he is sure to sucessed.A.judging B.judged C.judge D.to judge What he wants to do is go swimming with you. thinner造句?急用 英语翻译胖的瘦的文静的外向的这个呃- -要用THAN造三个句 When you said "mean" above,did you mean "I mean",and not a calculation of "mean".谁能帮忙解释下这句话的意思啊 看的我头痛欲裂啊... This magazine is free and __ should mean it will be popular.A-that B-which 选哪个?为什么? 用been造句 盖世霸王楚三户亡秦必楚-----求对!谢 《汉书艺文志》总序翻译 昔仲尼而微言绝…………………… weed master是啥意思? master MASTER 和货代提单有什么区别 master trainer是什么意思 楚大神是谁 “楚虽三户,亡秦必楚”中的楚是现在中国的哪个地方? 楚虽三户,亡秦必楚.出自谁之口大神们帮帮忙 you should finish your homewoek _______ you go out to play.用 before 还是用 after?为什么? 参考答案为after,百思不得其解!答案错误? 上了高中之后,语文成绩很不好,尤其是作文,怎么办 英语翻译测量硅钢片(silicon steel sheets)的毛刺(burr)高度,用专用测量尺或千分尺(micrometer)测量.测量方法:在硅钢片纵向1~2m内两边各取3点每点先将千分尺伸进片内测量基础厚度,再将千分 英语翻译4.1 外形尺寸测量:直接在线盘(coiling drum)上,将换位导线(transposed conductor)放平直,在相隔至少100mm的三 个位置上,用游标卡尺(silde caliper )两测量面夹住测量位置,双手同时对两 rubber maid 我在厕所墙上看见一个盒子,盒子上写着这样一个词组,这是个公司名字吗? maid dishes 啥意思 minute 急 成语接龙,回答者直接说成语就行,规则:下一个成语的第一个字是上一个成语的最后一个字(四个音都行,字可以不同) 上海三联书店和北京三联书店有什么关系? 哈尔滨出版社和上海三联书店 用英文怎么说?或者他们的英文名称也行,要官方的啊~ 汉书 史记那里有 To be brief ,we should get it done bu tomorrow anyway如何翻译啊 英语,get sth done 和while doing sth还有should have done 各造一句. Why are cars so importan in the American society ?The USA is a large country and the Americans liketo move around in it.Making a trip in a car is comfortable and cheap .With acar people can go to any places without spending a lot of money .In the Uni look!he does his homework.这个句子怎么改