
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 22:54:19
求英语会音标的人,有几个题目不会,帮我一下 Is it Mike?这句话为什么不用he呢?具体问句在人教版六年级上册英语书中recycle2 中有. where is your sister,Jane?OH,____A here comes she B she comes here C here she comes D here is she coming 为什么选C Is it Mike 肯定回答 Mike is it? 是疑问?反意? If you are writing for me ,I must t hank you .After going to here I think I am much more busier...If you are writing for me ,I must thank you .After going to here I think I am much more busier than before .Sometimes I complain about what I come over will have had 是什么时态 will have sent 是将来完成时态吗? 她给发了这些话是什么意思?我真的搞不懂.希望朋友们帮我分析一下.谢谢诶!这是她发给我的短信:如果人的记忆只能选择一秒钟的额度,我希望就是这一瞬间,也许哪天在路上碰到了就像陌生 这是啥意思哟,搞不懂' 搞不懂噢这是啥 你们大概以为这幅画很平常,没有什么可称道的道什么意思 为之称道的之是什么意思 啧啧称道的意思 2009上学期六年级人教版语数外试卷要尽量充足哦! 有四个字常用来修饰 伪君子 三字,意思是虚假的不被人称道的伪君子,我想知道这四个字是什么?这四个字其中有 道 岸 这两个字. 啧啧称道是什么意思? 英语翻译1.01 The purpose of this Memorandumis to provide for the beginning or discussions or framework for the anticipated written final definitive agreement that may govern the proposed Business Partnership (the "Business Partnership") between P 英语翻译1.01 It is anticipated that Principal may provide the following resources in respect to the proposed Project:Principal will supply all required marketting documentation needed for promoting of the goods and products.Principals technical a 英语翻译Diet products allow us to jump over the thinking stage and go straight for the scale(秤 )instead我在网上搜到的意思是:体重问题的关键是控制饮食,而不是减少体重.我感觉好像有点不通. 英语翻译4.4 供水本项目水源为距厂区2km的河水,水量丰富,供水可靠.现已建有取水泵站及预处理设施,拟将DN200的输水管敷设到厂区内,并输送至给水净化站进行处理.净化后的水进入800立方米的 the trip is about two hours.划线about two hours 我读这封信很费力 i___ ___ ___reading the letter reading the letter_______ reading the letter,what has he done?A except B.besides应该选B.两者有什么区别? He spent a hour reading the letter为什么read用ing形式 you can`t Can you show me those trousers? We were c.Tom's birthday at 7 yesterday evening 初二下学期的,填空I'm very glad that the play has a happy e..........I'm going to visit Yunnan with my parents on the winter v.......... If i have itI will catch it how,do,you,shanghai,go,ofen,to,a,year.连词组句 How do you () we go to shanghai for our holiday?A.suggest B.suppose C.imagineD.insist求讲解,四个词的重点用法 ---how did you go to shanghai last month?---By a___.空格处应填什么?