
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 11:08:46
He often _____(hear) ______(sing) in the room 关于桂花的好词好句好段,诗最好也来几个! 关于桂花好词好句, 用专注.思考.,造句用上拟人手法. should,when,finish,they're,work,they,sure,not,the连词成句 when they finish the course ,they`ll work as skilled workers in the company 的意思 "It's many years since i saw you last.I didn'trecongnize you at first.""I wouldn'have,either,if someone_you by name."A.didn't call B.hadn't called答案选B,为什么A不行呢? 解语花什么意思 I stood there waiting a long time for the bus 为什么用waiting We stood there (to wait for)the bus.为什么不能用waiting for h开头w结尾的单词 H开头w结尾中间两个的英文单词有什么? 哪位高人帮我翻译个英文名?最好以J开头和雯这个字音相似的名字. H开头L结尾的单词 It's 3 years since I saw him last time.中的it's 能否换成has been? there ——two soccer matches in beijing tomorrow A is B are C is going to be D are going to be选啥希望回答的童鞋解释一下哈 我觉得是C 但是又纠结着TWO 但读来读去又不顺 哎 Bobby is a s_____ boy and he always comes first in the exam in his class按首字母填空 The message first comes in and first goes out . 二次根式】计算一道 Millie comes fisrt in the exam 英语同义句转换 Millie came ____ [one] in the English exam适当形式填空,说明原因为什么不用the first 怎样用英文表达战争色彩和传奇色彩? 怎么用英语形容人有传奇色彩 这是什么海棠花? 请问on the final exam与in the final exam有何 区别,有道理我会追加分的, on the exam和in the exam区别在哪?还有是cheat on the exam 还是in the exam? 52用英语表示 海棠花是什么样子的 解语花和张起灵是有什么矛盾吗? 我们的学习成绩一天比一天地不断提高.修改病句 海棠花是什么样子的? 这是什么海棠花