
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:32:31
will people have robots 的否定回答No,the people won't为什么不对? Why interest increase people will hold more bond and less money? How to love a person can love? How long we can hold on love? NO monery,how long can we love? Fell in love with a person may be as long as one second,to forget how long a person needs 受伤男子 so they go to school in different ways 这个句子对吗 并翻译 Why did people choose the name Greenland why do the people do.为什么句子中有两人do.详细.必出纳 参观怎么造句 用即兴和拜访造句 用侦察、考察造句,造句呀,非常紧急! 有拜访造句?、 “在逆读法中分钟数逢 "五"逢 "十"可省略minute(s).否则应加上.”这句话啥意思 minute中的u怎么发音 minute bus use cup(U有几种读音) what is the way George thought of ___enough monney to buy the house为什么是 to getenough sth to do 足够的东西去做某事 的 to do 应该是 to buy不是 to get 为什么不是应为有thougt of 而用 getting 反而用 to get minus 的发音最好有音标 观察、办法造句 用勘测造句 英语翻译 They are everywhere = They are ____ around ____ 1-2+3-4+5-6……+99-100怎么做? waiting for it alone by oneself waiting for it alone by oneself 这句话翻译成中文是什么意思.要翻译通顺 alone by oneself missing for you. 跟一个男生告白. 我和一个男生正在交往,在上学期间我天每天都聊天,他最后总是说一句不打扰你了,说明什么我们每天晚上都有很多作业 zebra crossing 还是 pedestrain crossing?两者有什么区别?人行横道线应该是哪个? 关于陈情表的~11.选出对文章分析有误的一项是( ) A.选文一连用了“察臣”“举臣”“拜臣”“除臣”几个词,准确地陈述了自己“过蒙拔擢,宠命优渥”的实情以及由衷的感恩戴德之情.B.“ 1:For a long time he could not _ the fact of his wife's death.A:accept B:receive C:recognize D:ral1:For a long time he could not _ the fact of his wife's death.A:accept B:receive C:recognize D:ralize2:i'd liketo take_of this opportunity to thank There was a time,and not so long ago __________,when she could walk twenty miles a day.too as well neither either l like rice ( ) meat and vegetables选则A.to B.of C.with D.from