
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 08:11:02
中国、英国、美国人的生活方式我是要做手抄报,找一些具体的例子的即可.比如:早晨……中午……晚上……,平时……周六、周日……用英文,建议参考高一英语书 美国人的生活方式与我们相同吗the lifestyle the as Is you his friend 改错句 Do you his friend哪里错了? do you his friend?改病句 do you his friend?找错误 并改正 关于美国人生活的英语作文 能证明你和美国人一样能在生活中流畅使用英语的证书是那个? How old is your mother?Thank you.She is fine.哪里错了? 如果和一个美国人在一起生活会不会慢慢的会说英文? I usually read a book when it's raining对画线部分提问_______ _______ you usually do whenit'sraining ______ is your mother?-----SHe is fine(_______上面填什么)各位哥哥姐姐爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶叔叔阿姨,弟弟妹妹,儿子女儿,孙子孙女帮帮忙啊 画线部分提问,he read a book when it raining画线滴是read a book How is your mother?she is f 后面应该填什么 英语翻译 How is your mother? She's fine. What a ()you? 快啊~~~作业啊~~~明天要交啊~~~555 When do you usually read English?近义句 怎样用get in the way of,(be) serious about ,spend time on造句 用Spend time 造句! 如何用get in the way of;(be) serious about;spend time on造句 spend time with...造句 spend some time on sth 造句 Are your English teacher a women怎么改错写错了只能改一处而且are不能改are your English teacher a woman这是小学五年级试卷可以把teacher 改成teachers吗这样说得通吗 英语把Are your friends tourists too?Yes,they are.怎样变单数xiexie 关于时间的名言.3句 关于时间的名言(20句)关于时间的名言至少20句,简单点,本人要背的.有作者哦! 用‘some time'造句主语要用第三人称,造俩个句子越快越好 some time 造句 谁能教我some time和some times的区别,并造句 给几个some times的造句(百分百正确).不要太长太难. some times 造句 翻译:"that 's too bad.