
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 23:05:06
英语翻译佛副喽...如题,知道的朋友告诉下哈, 英语幽默小剧本,六人的,3-4分钟左右.越多越好 地球表面上两点 向心加速度一样?为什么? 形成于柴达木盆地中的食盐是一种什么资源. 柴达木盆地上的盐盖是怎么结成的? 为什么柴达木盆地的盐质量很好,含有多种化学元素?为什么靠近青海湖,盐的质量就很好? _____left home early in the morning.A.Father and I B.Father and me C.I and father D.Me and father 西方乐器的英文,顺便带上中文翻译 世界最大港 英语这门课与音乐的关系我们初三音乐课的考试啊....拜托各位帮忙想想英语这门课与音乐的关系,并且附上讲这一关系的一些文章还有适合学生演唱的英文歌 一音乐为主题的英语课该如何上电影的课堂呢? 一会儿侧卧,一会儿正躺,翻来覆去睡不着写一个成语. 上像音乐等其它的课(英文) on holidays,they prefer to________ at home rather than ________A staying ,going hikingB stay,going hikingC stay,go hikingD staying,go hiking On weekends ,they prefer ______ at home than ______ A.stay ;go out B .to stay to go out C to stay ( )will you spend 5 days ___ shanghai?A.in B.to C.for要理由 Father will take Dave and _____( I ) to Shanghai.那个空里应该填I还是me? 柴达木盆地是我国最北的甘蔗产区原因(地理题) 图中一为----,它是中国大陆进出口商品的-----港,也是世界最繁忙的---港和-----中心之一 根据括号里的词填空:I saw a lot of smoke ______ (come ) from the next door 香港进出口产品主要有哪些货物 How was the party last night?I had a good time,___ I didn't know anybody.A as if B since C so that D even though 请问世上真的有神仙吗,我是个无神论者,但有些事用科学根本无法解释? 世界上到底有没有鬼神?鬼和神仙我还想知道观音菩萨有吗 谁解释下菩萨的意思 i often go to school by bus(改为同义句) _____ we were swimming in the river,we saw a fish jump out of the river.A.When B.While 请问到底选哪个?为什么? I saw a lot of ducks in the river.(改为一般疑问句) while we were swimming in the river,we saw a fish jump out of the water=__in the river,we saw a 柴达木盆地是在山上么?怎么形成的呢?四川盆地要比平原气温高么?盆地应该是对太阳削弱作用强,那高原呢 用不屈不挠造句 1we___(watch)a lot of fish)括号里是(catch)