
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 12:13:16
英语句型转换题,1.I received a letter from my friend last week.(改为同义句)I _____ _____ my friend last week.2.She is too short to reach the top of the blackboard.(改为同义句)She is _____ short _____ _____ she can't reach the 部分初二下学期英语句型转换题.1.We usually go to the movies on weekends.(就go to movies提问)____ _____ you usually ______ on weekends 2.They exercise three or four times a week.(就three or four times a week提问)____ _____do they ex 几道英语句型转换的题目,改为反意疑问句Could you please turn off the light?---- ---- ---- the light ,---- ----?Can you not stand in front of me?---- ---- in front of me,---- ----?Shall we go shopping?---- go shopping ,---- ----?What a c开头的代表美好的英文单词 奥数最早从什么时候开始学?几岁开始最合适? 一束玫瑰花数量有什么含义?颜色有什么含义?价格大概是的多少?20支以内的都要 (英语翻译)武汉大学强势在于其文科和理科 2012年武汉大学英语翻译方向考研参考书目 武大科技园创业楼英文翻译 "c"打头的都有什么英语单词? c,打头的英文单词有没有?而且要在春天的,和在花园里的c,打头的英文单词有没有?而且要在春天的,还要在花园里的 七年级上册英语课本110页的翻译 看电影用英语有几种说法 谁有人生哲理短文我要人生哲理短文,谁有,1 富有人生哲理的文章 人生哲理作文要有故事,两个200字的 英语:英语选词填空(暑假作业上的,帮个忙,有积分追加)英语填空:单词:plan away send postcard bike ride famous Europe something lake leave countryside nature forget finish tourist——(欧洲)is far ——(离开 帮个忙:英语选词填空1.lend/borrow A)He wants _______some books from th library.B)--May I_________your CD player?--Certainly,but you can't__________it to others.2.hear about/hear fromA)I have ________________that new shop.B)We haven't_______ Linda didn't watch TV last night.She was ill.合为一句 人们往往赋予一些花木以某种象征意义的古诗搜集一些吟咏花木的古诗,急用! 进!急急急!英语题!好的给悬赏!Linda didn't watch TV last night.She was ill.(改为同义句)1.Linda didn't watch TV last night.She was ill.(改为同义句)Linda didn't watch TV last night________ _________illness.2.We came here by undergr 人们往往赋予一些花木以某种象征意义,请说说下列植物的象征意义例:兰花——高洁竹子——( )牡丹——( )荷花——( )松树——( )梅花——( )快 Alice didn’t watch TV last night,her brother didn’t watch TV,_______.A) also B) too C) either D neither我选的是B,可答案是C, 赋予一些花木以某种象征意义的诗--在线等 He didn't watch TV last night.是错的,还是对的 人们往往赋予一些花木以某种象征意义.下列说法中,不恰当的一项是:( )A.竹子-有节,谦虚B.牡丹-默默奉献C.松树-生命力强D.荷花-洁身自好 改错:1 Tom wasn't watch TV last night 2 I didn't my homework yesterday 选词填空,帮个忙,8 占用您1分钟,帮个忙.选词填空I make (he/him) (play/plays) the guitar.My friend made Jim (play/played) basktball yesterday.My mother ask me to (go/goes)to bed.My teacher ask Jim to (finsh/finshed) my homework yesterday. 谁有选词填空的例子,有难同当,有福共享,助人为快乐之本啊,兄弟我如今有难,不能见死不救啊,请大家在3天内完成! 人们往往赋予一些花木以某种象征意义,现需几种说法以及一些吟咏花木的文章写一篇像“紫藤萝瀑布”的文章(初一水平)老师说写作文~~~~``` 赋予花木象征意义的作文!急用,废话我就不多说了,字数在300字左右,急用,有的我追加分得