
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:07:15
用下面词造句如题,最好能简单一点的1.concern oneself with2.was+adj/adv+as possible3.encourage sb to da sth 长为10,7,5,3的四根木头,选其中三根组成三角形,有几种选法?为什么?希望大家能在8:30之前做完,不要乱 怎样创造幸福 几百字 7选4任意组合有多少注及如何排列 英语词类?名词、动词、形容词、副词、代词、冠词、介词、连词、数量词和感叹词…… 英语的词类及物动词 不可数名词 可数名词 固定短语 代词 宾语 第三人称单数 复数 动词不定式 名词 冠词 副词 情态动词 助动词 形容词 行为动词 系动词 动词 英语 的词类 有哪些动物爱孩子的事情 补充文言文中省略的成分(1)( )至之市,( )而忘操之.( )已得履,( )谓( )曰:“吾忘持度.”(2)( )遽契( )其舟,( )曰:“是吾剑之所从坠.”(3)悬泉瀑布,飞漱( )其间,( )清( )荣( NBA Live 2006里的数据统计英文翻译象pts.to.ast.等 一句英语翻译:I tried to share the joys of Easter with my students. Some people argue that the pressures on international sportsmen and sportswomen kill the essence of sport---- the pursuit of personal excellence.Children kick a football around for fun.When they get older and play for local school teams,they become c 英语词类有几种 私人书信的落款可以写Yours sincerely么? (1)解方程组{(√2)x+(√3)y=3√2{(√3)x+(√2)y=2√3_________________________________————————————————————————————————(2)已知 a=1/[(√2)-1],b=1/[(√2)+1,求(√a^2+b^2+10 some people argue that and that 其中后面的that充当什么成分that后面各为一个句子 some argue that的意思some argue 可以用于表达自己的观点吗? Some argue that people should be encouraged by a reward for a good deed,because they may believe the saying “no pains,no gains.” We are going to have a picnic ( ) tomorrow morning Some scholars argue that a large population makes ______ would otherwise be unprofitable,especially railroads,highways,irrigation systems and pots.A.it profitable that many social investments B.profitable that many social investments C.many profitabl We're going to have the picnic tomorrow evening.怎么写问句 Are you going to have a picnic tomorrow 怎么回答re you going to have a picnic tomorrow 怎么回答 额 突然忘记 描写紧张的句子 有关紧张的句子、、、、 心情紧张的句子这位,诚信的名人名言有没有. 已知函数f(x)=4x^3-3x^2cosθ+(3/16),其中x∈R,且0≤θ≤180度1.当cosθ=0,判断f(x)是否有极值2.要是f(x)的 极小值大于0,求θ取值范围3.符合2.中范围,且f(x)在(2a-1,a)内都是增函数,求a的取值范围 只要第三问 哪里有关于大自然启示的好词好句好段啊? 怎么与小学五年级的淘气小男孩相处? have,am,the,I,to,not,in,picnic,going,a,park(连词成句) picnic,going,have,to,Wo,a连词成句 城南旧事片段及音乐赏析3000字 数字题,我会及时采纳.若1-(3k-5)的2次方有最大值,则方程5k-4=3x+2的解是( )