
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 12:38:01
英语翻译 必备工具书有哪些 – How did you get to the airport?-- I got Tom ____ me there.– How did you get to the airport?-- I got Tom ____ me there.A.drove B.to drive C.driving D.drive为什么选C? 哪里有关于螺杆英语翻译工具书买? 英语翻译比如牛津英汉、习语、搭配之类的.哪种适合我用?英语原著要好看的,枯燥的看不下去 “体味生活艺术”英语怎么说?急 忆恋用英语怎么说 小学英语教师几年工作总结 谢谢英语达人帮我看看这几句用英语口语怎么说请英语高手翻译时尽量口语话和生活化,别太书面和文绉绉!你为人防备心过强,容易怀疑人,不相信人说话不算话,没有信用,不真诚冷漠自私,自以 Speakingmax英语口语达人和单词达人有什么关系? 请英语口语达人帮忙!Do you think everyone has his own destiny or we’re all just floating around accidentally on a breeze? Give examples.Which one do you prefer, the false paradise created by Christof, or the real world where crimes and dang It is suggested that the work should be done with great care.分析一下句子结构 How does that compare with the states?帮我分析下语法,就是句子结构吧.另外,英语中有许多单词以s结尾的,有些发s,有些发z.这个发音有什么规律的吗 get hold of you i get hold of you这句英语是什么意思 you've got hold on get hold of you requested to let us contact AAA,but we were not able to get hold of them 能不能推荐一本英语工具书,适合高中生强化英语的本人快高二了,想提高下自己的英语成绩丫.文科的~ 孔子是一个什么样的人? how do you get there回答 How do you get there? How do you get there 还是How do you get to there.原因是什么 "how did you get there "如何回答 can not find or load a file which is required to execute the game 需要把客户端卸了吗下了CF 还要下补丁吗? can not find or load a file which is required to execute the game重新安装了好多次(不是覆盖)玩cf还出现这段字、、求高手 两条线有1个焦点,3条线有3个焦点…第n条线有几个焦点? 一道关于焦点的数学题平面内两条不重合的直线最多有几个焦点?三条互不重合的直线最多有几个焦点?n条互不重合的直线呢? 关于历史故事的成语(比如围魏救赵) If the letter to be mailing was placed on the writing table an hour ago,it is certain being there now.In the long run,however,this hurry to shed full-time staff may be more harmful to industry as it is to the workforce.两句各有一个错误,请分 They ( ) the children for four years.A.watched B.saw C.looked D.looked at My music teacher _____angry with me.A.never B.is never C.usually is D.usually写出正确答案和为什么选这个答案的理由 Kate is really friendly.she's never angry with 英语翻译方便 使用 最好有现成的例子 索引要好用