
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 15:37:26
英语句子,帮忙了thank youthen,you can think of a way to make all of you happy.要有每个单词的词性和在句子中的成分,这是英语完备上的一篇阅读理解,要有原文更好没有也行(第39个阅读) 帮忙翻译几句英语...Thank you.--让我们唱首歌吧!--什么?--请和我们一起唱吧!顺便问一下“I”的同音词?... 帮忙作3句英语句子~thank1.elimination(排除)2.eliminative(消灭的、排除的)3.evaluative(可估价的) 帮忙把英语句子补充完整.Thank you.1 We must put Mr,Mrs and Miss ( )family names2 Taiwan is in the ( )in China 3 The old man comes from Taining and Taining is his ( 故乡)4 It ( )heavily last night.The land is all white now.5 London is a fa 请教5个英语中状从 和 定从的句子!THANK 1._______ I'm from,we are relaxed about time.A.When B.Where C.How D.What (B) 怎么理解,怎么翻译呢?2.I got to the bus stop shortly _____ the bus had left.A after B before3.This is just the co of one's own accord能作表语吗? 求out of one’s accord with的用法 out of one’s accord with的详细用法 What's this in English?回答?有3个选择:1.It is the UFO.2.It is a UFO.3.It is an UFO. of one's own what 's this in English 答句要不要加a If you don't hurry up ,you won't catch the early bus.=Hurry up ,_____you _____catch the early bus. Hurry up,and you will catch the bus.用英语翻译句子. Hurry up or you can't catch the early bus .同义句Hurry up or you ____ ____the early bus. ()hurry up ,__you will catch the early bus.a.and b.or c.so hurry up,and we‘ll catch the early bus同义句____ ____ ____ ____,we'll catch the early bus 别人说为什么我要放弃治疗,然后我回了因为我放弃买药了,然后他回了为什么要放弃,求神回复这样那样 我为什么要放手?凭什么?他背叛我,无情的抛弃我,对我造成的伤害一点愧疚都没有,却骂我,叫我不要缠着他.很多人劝我放手,我为什么要放手?我所有的痛苦都来源于他,凭什么我要放过他?放过 为什么要舍去啊 那一步为什么要舍去? 求歌曲,只记得有句歌词这样写的,为什么要放手,为什么放弃所有、 4和6,选择. 用介词或副词填空 What·s this English? Eve,s4和6,选择.用介词或副词填空What·s this English?Eve,s father bought a new bike her.Let,s go and have a look it. 谢谢! 你是谁用英语怎么说?是who you are 还是who are you?如果是who are you ,那有一首歌里面怎么唱的是who are you ,where you are from,what you did……? you are going to miss the bus_____you hurry.A.unless B.even C.if 班级口号来个带劲的最好是英文 are you和you are 还有we are 还有任何人英语怎么说 用适当的介词填空 —( )me ,English is very difficult ……—( )me ,English is very difficult (2)What ( )swimming?(; )I watch the football game ( )TV.一定要准确,快.今天就要答案. 班级英文口号急需帮忙想想一个口号,我们是一班.不需要太长,适中就好,要英语的.比如we will win.we are one类似的.谢谢了. What is that --------- English?在横线上填入适当的介词 I also want to go to Beijing.(同义句)I want to go to Beijing ()(). I want to go to Beijing.(Tom)怎么改 How do you --want we go to beijing for our trip?A.insist B;want C suppose D suggest