
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:59:03
what is the matter中的主语是什么 What do middle school student do after class iWhat do middle school student do after class in America? 完型答案What do students do at Shude Middle School?What do students do at Shude Middle School?Here 1 the results of the student activity survey at Shude Middle School.Most students exercise three 2 four times a week.Some students exercise 3 or tw welcome 的所有词性 临安太湖源简介,临安太湖源旅游怎么样? 用人名命名公司名,英文是写人名的拼音还是英文本来的意思 西蒙用他自己的名字给他的船命名 英文 62.What kinds of ____(活动)can the students do after school?activity 还用变成复数吗?如果kind不是复数还用加复数吗? you are nearly hit by the car 还是knocked? 求效率,对的给最佳! The secret was never told until after the old man's death此句中"until和after都是什么词性?until after 是什么用法?从句意上看,感觉缺一不可,但读起来又很别扭? 求效率,对的给最佳!一定要对! 是Are you wear chanel's boots?还是Do you wear chanel's boots?是Are you wear chanel's boots?还是Do you wear chanel's boots?求详解.我知道这个问题问的很白..怎么区分是用do,还是are 来提问呢? How many dresses does Sarah 王师傅在35分钟做完6个零件,李师傅在42分钟做完7个零件,谁效率高?(写比较过程) I played computer games all the afternoon.和I played computer games all afternoon.哪个是正确的?能说说原因吗? 1.“How many people are there in your family?”he ask the boy(改为间接引语)2.She asked me which one i liked best.(改为直接引语)3.He ask whether i had watched the TV play the night before .(改为直接引语) 预期表型频率计算 给出过程 So Much Trouble 歌词 why is it so much trouble? 作文 心花600字的 不要雷同作文 心花 作文 “心花” 请问这篇作文该怎么写呢?明天就要交了,希望能给我找几篇例文参考一下,最好能给我一些思路,以什么为主题?怎样去理解?要快吖o(>﹏ 北京城有什么好玩的地方啊 作文 心花 应该写什么主题不要文章 要主题 America的汉语解释 American Pastoral中文意思不是这个单词的意思,是这本书的中文简介As the American century draws to an uneasy close, Philip Roth gives us a novel of unqualified greatness that is an elegy for all our century's promises of prosperit America 的中文是?123456789 America的中文 We will have a picnic in the country ___ that the weather remains clear.A:provided B:to provide咋 世界八星级酒店在哪? 世界上唯一八星级酒店在哪?叫什么?