
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 11:05:07
The gift shop is( )the fast food restaurant and the shoes"shop用(on between beside above below und Does your mum work ( )the ground floor in the supermarket 用(on between beside above below under) 谁有高三政治哲学的复习提纲 高二政治哲学到底在讲什么我知道辩证法,不清楚唯物论,认识论,价值观,还有剩下的,谁能告诉我书上的八课之间有什么联系,哪几个是一类的内容 , lie的短语解释(多种,越多越好)Help! wait in和wait for的区别 钢铁是怎样炼成的 中保尔在烈士纪念碑前说的名言 she,her,kind,to,is,patients连词成句 lie in the bed还是lie on the bed? lie in the bed or on the bed lie in the sick girl____(lie)in bed for a whole year lat year Sinece 10 years ago,the old man ______(lie)in bed_______youor brother______(reply)to the letter at this time yesterday?She stood there in_____(silent) “兴亡由人事,山川空地形”反映的哲理是A事物的发展道路是迂回曲折的B 内因是事物变化发展的根据,外因是变化的条件C 事物的发展变化是有规律的 dining room是什么意思?谢谢啦! long dining room的意思 catering room和dining room的意思有什么区别呀?是配餐间和餐厅的意思吗? 求翻译 the economistThe air is quite still near the surface of the sea even when it is blowing strongly just a few metres above 高手翻译 : economistAntitrust abuses如何翻译? IBM faces a new antitrust complaint. beautiful she is but she is shy of kind 连词成句 英语翻译China's central bank raised its one-year lending and deposit rates by 0.27 percentage points,to 7.29%and 3.87% respectively.拿不准“The move followed the biggest rise in consumer prices in more than a decade.”这句的真正意思, 英语翻译And by endangering theinspectors,they might put at risk the money and arms they receive fromcountries that support the inspection process.有关叙利亚内战的一篇文章中的一句,求翻译 in the morning的对应词组是什么 every in the morning是个词组吗? in the moring(对应词组)teeth(单数) 高二地理复习提纲 求高二必修3 地理复习提纲 求高二地理亚非欧复习提纲如题啊.最好是长沙地区的,最好包括自然灾害.反正是长沙地区高二所学的.没有的话就亚非欧的号了~ 要区域地理的,不要乱放! 如何理解此句意You are saying that everyone should be equal ,and this is_____Idisagree.A.when B.where C.what D.how为什么选B 有谁知道这句话是什么意?这好像是句谚语,all right reserved.all registered trademarks and trademarks are property of respective owners.every thing is possible 英语句意理解The visage of Marlene Dietrich gazed out from movie posters throughtout Europe and America in the 1930s.(没怎么看懂,她的面容怎么就穿过了欧洲和美国了?)