
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:15:07
what are the people supposed to do in business negotiation?用英语回答, 英语翻译翻译出它的中文意思 thank you very much it's what we're supposed to do.谁能帮我分析下这个句子都有哪些语法点?it's what.这属于什么用法we're supposed to .这里supposed前面有be,后面有to,是个什么原理?我自己都有点乱,说得不是很清楚, 美剧老友记what are we supposed to be seeing herebe在句子中有什么用?跟‘what are we supposed to see here?' 有何分别? The sun is so far away__it is impossible for us to measure it in milesA.as B.and so C.that D.so that The Diwang Mansion is usually regarded as the l____of ShenZhen.单词补充 outline的意思 Outline什么意思 Outline是什么意思呀 interview-outline是什么意思 CSS outline: hygentist we are not supposed to be 怎么翻译? 续签 英文怎么说?英文信件里说 “我需要续签签证”怎么表达好 i tell my little brother study hard at school改错 My little brother particularly loves snow globe __ insects __them. When ________ spaceship Shengshou V traveled in space, ________ new-looking 英语冠词When ________ spaceship Shengshou V traveled in space, ________ new-looking earth that Yang Liwei had never seen before appeared before him.A. the; the quick fix quick fix的意思 quick-fix society quick fix society 的利弊?就是谈谈当今快节奏生活的利弊?你的看法, 合同中已发生费用英文怎么说? 季羡林对于牛棚杂忆的看法 《牛棚杂忆》中季羡林的性格特点 夹竹桃表达了季羡林怎样的思想感情 季羡林的表达什么情感与思想 WP4000变频功率分析仪为什么要采用前端数字化的技术理念? 一个都别漏了哦 “释然”和“释怀”,人生需要面对很多事和人,只有拿得起放得下,才能向未来前进 释怀和释然的意思拜托各位了 3Q麻烦知道的说下`释怀和释然2个词的意思 另外麻烦附加上造句`~ 释怀是什么意思? 释然是什么意思? 2者有什么区别 释怀和释然有什么区别吗! 白鲸 the whale 世界名著双语注释 缺货,何时有货?白鲸 the whale 世界名著双语注释是文化艺术出版社出的