
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 23:02:11
碘水的颜色是什么 化学 碘水的颜色 What led you to take up acting as a career翻译 16分之7=64分之( )=(  )÷32=35÷(  ) 求翻译what is important to find out before you take a new member of staff on 苏教版草原课文内容 苏教版《草原》解析大家帮帮忙吧!很急呦! 小学语文苏教版6年级16课草原的重点词语是什么?(越多越好)(15个左右) what do you do 跟what are you what do you do 跟what are you doing分别是什么意思 ,有什么区别,老是分不清楚谢谢了 What do you doing do now?这是篇作文, 生产小组上午接到38件生产任务下午接到三四件,把这些任务平均分给8个小组,每个小组生产多少件、、每个小组有3人,平均每人分几件、、生产小组上午接到38件生产任务下午接到34件,把这些 如果你当导游,你怎么向游客介绍草原风光?请你列三个简要提纲 假如你当导游,你会样向游客们介绍草原风光?列3个提纲 英语题Before selecting the curtain for your newly-decorated house,it's important to know whatBefore selecting the curtain for your newly-decorated house,it's important to know what colors look great ____the wall paper.A.on B.with C.in D.against what is important to BEC英语~急 What is important to remember when deciding what type of advertising to use?what is important to remember about your taget consumer when planning an advertising campaign?What is important when setting up your own bu 兔子是吃草动物,能不能不喂饲料? 如果你当导游,你会怎么向游客们介绍草原风光?列简要题钢.唐佳慧 如果让你当导游,你会怎样向游客们介绍草原风光?请你列个简要提纲,给我好好打下来,不要向其它答案一样!一分钟之内! 脑筋急转弯...兔子一定是食草性动物吗? —What are you searching the Internet for?.— I’m trying to find out ________ .A.which is the way to the nearest park.B.what’s the difference between H1N1 and Bird FLU.C.what can we do for people in trouble.D.where will we meet this Saturday. 8.---What are you searching the Internet for?---I’m trying to find out____.A.What is the differe8.---What are you searching the Internet for?---I’m trying to find out____.A.What is the difference between SARS and BIRDFLU B.How many persons have d what are you searching the Internet for am trying to find out________A..how many persons have died in Iraq B.what's difference between SARS and BIRDFLU C.why isn't our Chinese team able to beat Korea's What are the advantages and disadvantages of searching prospective clients on Internet 麻烦用英语回答,答案请用英文的形式 有不足30元钱,平均分给3人,余2元;平均分给4人,余1元;如果要把这些钱平均分给12人,余几元?有144个球,平均分成若干份,使每一份不少于10个,也不多于40个,一共有几种分法?3月12日植树节那天,少先 有一个团队不足1000人,平均分四队每排14人或每排12人都余8人,如果每排8人刚好是整数,这个团队有多少人? 某班50人:前30人的平均分比后20人的平均分多12分,一个人把前30人的平均分加上后20人的平均分再除以2,他他认为是全班的平均分.这样,全班的平均分是提高了还是降低了,降低或提高了多少? of course no和of corse notA 你旷课了么?B of corse no( not ) Of course not与Of course的区别-Would you mind looking after my dog while I‘m on holiday?-_____.A、Of course not B、Yes,I’d love to.C、Of course.D、Yes,please.但我选了C.Tell me why? “当然不”的英文是“Of course not”还是“Of course no”原文是“甘愿做潮流的落伍者吗?当然不!” would you mind travelling alone no,of course not 翻译 必须重新起航,什么也挡不了,不惜一切代价完成我的梦,更感谢你为我生了康晴,我要为她创造一个好人生铺垫,也谢谢你的亲人对我的好,谢谢你对我所做的一切.希望会有偿还的一天……有些事 求助婚姻解释男:《滴天髓》曰:癸水至弱,达於天津,得龙而运,功化斯神,不愁火土,不论庚辛,合戌见火,化象斯真女:《滴天髓》曰:壬水通河,能泄金气,刚中之德,周流不滞,通根透癸,冲天奔