
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:56:41
词根-ship有什么意思?比如:fellowship,friendship. Althoughit was a big ship but is sunk sot he best ship is still friendship谁能帮我翻译一下 There are big ships and small ships,but the best ship is friendship什么意思 请问 陈涉世家 中哪一句话写男儿当自强? 什么时候here前有介词here不是副词吗?怎么有的句子前还有什么from之类的介词啊? here之前的哪些介词可以省略 You are strong enough to carry the box(同义 I am 5 years older than you对,还是I am 5 years older old than you对? who is your new teacher?do you know?合并成一句话.you know who is your new teacher?我认为答案错了,应该是do you know who your new teacher is?我印象里记得宾语从句用陈述语序的 tom didn`t go to bed before ten o`clock改为同义句 I don't speak English———— 选择A.in home B.fot home Cat home D.from home he didn't go to bed befoer the ten o'clock改成意思一样的句子 快 另外 还有 Tomorrow we will___with my classmates.选项是 Go Swimming Go skating Go swim Go skat 选哪个还有 the boys were playing when I got there 改成一般疑问 杨澜北京演讲稿主要内容告诉我这个演讲稿的主要内容, She always reports news in English in her school. 杨澜讲的是美式英语还是英式英语?我一直以为杨澜讲的是英式的,因为是主持人嘛,可是,有时候又觉得她会有卷舌,又好像是美式,那她是美式还是英式的呢?谁能给一个准确的判断!或者她是偏 请问谁有杨澜在北京申奥成功那一夜的英文演讲-视频?要听杨澜的英语 请问谁有杨澜在北京申奥成功那一夜的英文演讲-视频或音频,不含国语翻译一定要是杨澜原音 some teachers go to the beach and have a good time.改同义句some teachers go to the beach and( )( ) The crucible by ARTHUR MILLER 中文版 This excellent book will be a welcome addition to the library of any student.请问这里的a welcome addition怎样理解? 《格列佛游记》四卷的内容概括(80字左右,四卷都要) 杨澜作为北京申奥会代表成员在申办2008年奥运会时的陈述词《北京欢迎你》的作者是谁?写申办陈述词的作者 格列佛游记人物关系和主要情节(80字以内) 格列佛游记 英文的心理学著作在国内谁或哪个出版社翻译的比较优秀 After ten days' walk,they got back to their hometown finally.(改为同义句) enough是什么意思?谢谢了,快,急! 女生英文名Sylvia和Cynthia哪个更有气场气质呢?为什么?请亲们帮我选选.如果你选的话,你会选哪个呢?说说你的意见.两者分别适合什么样的女生,也请说说看. Sylvia和Cynthia哪个英文名比较好本人中文名叫雪芬,狮子座女生,哪个的翻译和寓意更好,哪个的拼写更好看,哪个的发音和中文名最相近? He stopped and answered the telephone.(同) he ___ ____ answer the telephone. enough什么意思 sylvia和samantha 哪个英文名好听? enough是什么意思?