
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 20:53:39
气温一般从气象观测站放置在距离地面几米高的气温一般从气象观测站放置在距离地面________米高的________内的温度计读得 如何成为气象观测工作者 已知点B,C,D在同一条直线上,△ABC和△CDE都是等边三角形,BE交AC于F,AD交CE于H,说明CF=CH的理由(B,F,E在同一直线上,A,F,C在同一直线上) 补充句子:祖国,我永远爱您,是您____________,是您____________,是您____________. 我爱租祖国的诗句 1:1只石英钟的话时针长6厘米,经过6小时后,这根时针的尖端所走的路程是( )厘米;12小时过后呢( ).2:一种压路机滚筒的直径为1米,滚筒的长为2米.若每分钟转6圈,开动10分钟后,前进了( ) 馕的历史 表现馕的词语 阍卖趴馕须密屣 怎么读 给我拼音 x/6ab^2与y/9a^2bc2/x-1与2-1/1-xx/x^2-1与2/x^2+2x+1b/3a^2c^2 ,c/-2ab,9/5cb^2 胚芽鞘下端为什么不产生生长素 海鸥表816.355海鸥表816.355比较一下哪个要好一些? 请帮忙翻几句英语Currie Graham is coming back on The Mentalist playing the character of Walter Mashburn.We already saw Mashburn in Season 2 episode "Redline",and at the time Mashburn did show interest for Lisbon.Will he be the love interest ru 请翻几句英语,Jane will also show a new affection toward Lisbon when she persuades him to come back to work with the CBI team."Her faith in him and her willingness to go to bat for him means they're much tighter," Heller says."As much as he want 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译Tick,tock,tick,tock.I’m sitting here,watching the movements of my existence pass slowly away.My house has been 1 for such a long time,and I’m lonely and forgotten.Sitting here,by myself,all that I can do is 2 and think about my past.I 馕可以组什么词 三角函数值值域咋求 求值域,3.4问咋做 在秋天的德国花园里,人们常可看到一些跳来跳去的小松鼠,把捡来的核桃搬运到某一个地方,意在留备日后享用,然而几天之后它们便会把这个所在忘得一干二净,把辛辛苦苦搬运回来的核桃白 我想对你说作文、 值域怎么求 那个值域怎么求 如果我是某某某(450个字以上) to a very special women是啥意思 请将下面几句翻成英文青年人都外出打工了,老年人和孩子占了这个村庄人口的大多数.(make up)据报道,一个在大树底下躲雨的人被雷击了.(it is reported)咱们系得到了几张音乐会的赠票,但我担心 You are my heart is very fond of woman. 对讲机的手动写频是什么意思啊? One view is that English is going to become even more important as a global language,being most widely used in trade and media while some other languages will become less imprtant or just disappear. 50名学生献血,A型又20人,B型有10人,AB型有M人,O型有N人,如果从这50名学生中随机抽取2名,他们血型恰好相同 什么是可逆性结合