
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:11:56
这里was是什么意思,在这里有什么作用.variable "b" was declared but never referenced.变量“b"有声明但是从没引用过. 问个英语问题 the author of the novel was brought up in t问个英语问题the author of the novel was brought up in the country,_recounted in most of her worksa.as it is.b.as is.c.that is.d.such is 关于was的用法One day there was an argument between the wind and the sun.was不是用在过去式吗?为什么上面这句话会用was ? The author of the novel was brought up in the country, _____recounted in most of her workas it is 和 as is 应该用哪一个啊? 答案是as it is, 但是我们不也常说As is known to us all, the earth is round 吗? 这个问题百度知道已 was 和 is 的用法was 后面可以接什么.(过去式?原形?)is 后面可以接什么.(过去式?原形?) neither of them took the novel on the author' 求was的用法 I was的用法I was Canadian难道是说我曾经是加拿大人吗?能仔细说说这是什么意境吗?还有以下:I think she was Danish.I don't think she was. 以下程序运行后表达式*(p++)的值为什么是'w' Char a[5]="work" Char *p=a 请指导下 “未知的旅途”翻译:an unknown journey还是a journey unknown比较好?用作签名, 已知等腰直角三角形ABC斜边BC的长为4,三角形DBC为等边三角形,那么A、D两点的距离为() no i was deployed是什么意思 No,I wasn't .I was in the bookstore it was no bother是什么意思 I was blind in English,no English什么意思 用7根火柴摆两个正方形如何摆 数学题:abc×def=g1031求abcdefg X THE UNKNOWN怎么样 Unknown什么意思? unknown?什么意思 Unknown是什么意思 美术运用新材料作画怎么做(不能用铅画纸),快,明天要交的. 请问侄儿读不懂小学一年级语文题读怎么办哟? 大家告诉我一下侄儿读不懂小学一年级语文题读怎么办哟? 有点着急了啊,真心谢谢大伙了 ABCDEFG-ABC=826487 求ABC等于几 急 为什么苹果的LOGO少一块 为什么苹果公司的标志上的苹果要被咬一口呢?为什么? 八根火柴怎么拼出五个规则正方形 请问侄儿读不懂小学一年级语文题读怎么办哟?有熟悉这个的吗?本人先在此谢谢大家5q 手机unknown是什么意思? unknow什么意思 unknown t703是甚么意思