
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 19:13:56
1 提出 2 推举 3 全 4 往上托,往上伸 举目无亲;举;1抬起、2全、3推选、4举动 3、溶液中的的酸 1,2,3点 举例说明解释. 选举的举的解释 (1)推选 (2)兴起 (3)提出 It's unfair that Mr Brown sits around doing nothing , ( )his wife does almost all the B.though C.since D.while Autumn in China is warm as that in spring求翻译! (1/3)1.of which的用法 2.改错 The house stands at the place that the two road that does stuff that our house won't do?这句话语序是什么?And if we're gonna cheat,shouldn't it be with like a hot,younger house,that does stuff that our house won't do?最后一句话语序是什么? 举一隅而不知三隅反的举是什么意思?一整句的意思又是什么? 举一而反三,闻一而知十,是谁的作品 N2 中 氮元素显几价? 什么情况下送人郁金香花? All the students were very excised.对 very excised做特殊疑问 I like the place____ it's not cold in winter.空格处到底是填where还是which?主要是后面的那个“it‘s”让我很为难…… 1、the boy was l____ and I hhelped him find his parents.2、we are s____ they can play in this heat.we can't believe it.3、please r____ to bring your homework to school.4、that g____ of children are waiting for a bus.5、he wants to I like the place___I stayed at in Hongkong.A.where which C.that The election has ended 为什么用has 民心所向 奥巴马 BY THE PEOPLE THE ELECTION OF BARACK OBAMA怎么样 Regardless of who wins the election 这句话是什么从句 为什么加of of换成别的可以吗 you well not get hurt 怎么念 you lill not get 若|a b|=-(a +b),下列结论正确的是A.a+b<0 B.a+b≤0 C.a+b=0 D.a+b>0 in the train staion,a man was about to ___when he suddenly found his ticket missingA check in.B get to.C arrive in.D stand learn English better,we should ___the habit of reading every day.A .make.B have.C stay D form 若a>b>c,则下列结论中正确的是:(A)a+b>b+c>c+a(B)a+b>c+a>b+c(C)b+c>c+a>a+b(D)c+a>a+b>b+c 汽车在出厂前要行测试,某次测试中,先让汽车在模拟山路上以8m/s的速度行驶500s,紧接着在模拟山路上以20m/s的速度行驶100s.(1)计算该汽车在模拟山路上行驶的路程?(2)计算汽车在这次整个 初二实数计算题,越多越好,要带根号的, 让子弹飞 最后一段的旗上为什么把九改成十?这句话写的什么啊? “上三旗”和“下三旗”是什么 she must feel deeply hurt by his cruel A performanceB signsC remarksD caution did you find the missing couple in the mountain yesterday?--no ,but we( )to getin touch withthem ever since.A.have tried b.have been trying 为什么选B B的时态是什么?A不对么? (有图)矩形ABCD中,AB=6,BC=2√3,沿对角线BD将三角形ABD向上折起矩形ABCD中,AB=6,BC=2√3,沿对角线BD将三角形ABD向上折起,使点A移至点P,且P在平面BDC的射影O在DC上1.求二面角P-DB-C的正弦值;2.求点C到平 矩形纸片ABCD中,AB=3,BC=4,沿对角线BD折叠(使三角形ABD和三角形EBD在同一平面内)求角形ABD和三角形EBD重求角形ABD和三角形EBD重叠部分面积