
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:46:52
若x^2+y^2=1,则3x-4y的最小值是 若函数f(sinx)=cos2x,则(cos15°)= 已知函数f(sinx)=cos2x+sinx,求(1)f(cosx) (2)f(sinx)+f(cosx)的最大值与最小值 怎么测量人体表面积不用具体数值, 关于余弦定理的数学题在∆ABC中,若sinA+sinB+sinC要过程 1.The CDs are on sale!Buy one and you get ____ completely free.A.others B.one2.---Do you mind my opening the window?It's a bit hot here.---______,as a matter of fact.A.Go ahead B.Yes,I do第二题这样的一般不都选a吗?有什么讲不通的 问两道高中英语题目,求详解1、I am surprised that you should have been fooled by such a____ trick.A.ordinary B.easy C.smart D.simple 2、The little boy walks___he __an old man.A.as if;likes B.as though;were C.even if;likes D.even though;we 1.I think you're___carelesness in your exams.A.to go on B.to get rid of C.to get rid D.getting rid of2.It seems as if we___to walk home.A.have B.had C.will have D.shall have all the people _____the meeting were very important.Aattending Bpresent C attend D presented 选A 为什么用ing的形式 attend 和present 有什么区别吗——— they heard the shout for help,they rushed out.A on the moment B The moment C at t I will go shopping tomorrow afternoon if I______my work ahead of time.A.finished B.have finished C.am finishing D.will finish我想问下为什么不选A,IF引导的从句虚拟语气表将来不是应该用过去时吗、You can borrow books from th Which of the following CANNOT be a root of a polynomial in x of the form 9x^5+ax^3+b,where a and b are integers?(a)-9 (b) -5 (c)1/4 (d)1/3 (e)9 Find propositions in disjunctive normal form which have the following truth tables Which of the following weak form is WRONG?A.When shall we meetB.what shall we take to the school sports meet?C.We’ll take our sports clothes and sports shoes.D.What is he looking at? which form of the following sentances is correct the salary of women teachers` doesn`t equal the men teachers` in some countriesthe salary of women teachers doesn`t equal the men teachers` in some countriesthe salary of women teachers doesn`t equal t 已知函数f(x)满足f(sinx)=cos2x,则f(cosπ/4)= 什么英文字母最多人喜欢听? 什么英语字母最多人喜欢听呢 余弦定理数学题过边长为1的等边三角形的外接圆圆心O引两条夹角为120°的射线,分别与等边三角形的边交于M,N,试求线段MN长的最小值如图 原子结合的规律不要跟我扯化合价那种哄小孩的玩意儿,难道没有人总结出来规律吗? 1.内部原子按一定规律排列的物质叫 原子间的排列是否紧密且有规律? 冻干机低压端漏气会怎样 画出冻干机接管的零件图后要什么技术要求 什么英文字母最多人喜欢听呢? 什么英文字母最多人喜欢听的呢? 不管上下册都行! 有5道物理电学计算题要过程,1.一个灯泡的灯丝电阻是4Ω,当它两端的电压是2.8v时,通过灯泡的电流是多少?2.通过一个电阻器的电流是0.4A,电阻器的阻值是90Ω,它两端的电压是多少?3.把一个电热 初一语文上册第5课童趣研讨与练习第1题解答 音叉物位开关有哪些常见故障?安装使用时有哪些注意事项? 上海哪家公司的音叉物位开关比较好,有谁用过,求推荐! 音叉开关的安装要求 医药专用工具音叉是什么东西